Tips on Selecting, Implementing an EDMS System

May 1, 2000
Although the implementation of an engineering document management software (EDMS) system seems straightforward, issues of implementation across internal boundaries, strategy and choices on which business processes should be streamlined arise to make the project more complex that it first appears.

Although the implementation of an engineering document management software (EDMS) system seems straightforward, issues of implementation across internal boundaries, strategy and choices on which business processes should be streamlined arise to make the project more complex that it first appears. Organizations interested in selecting and implementing an EDMS system can follow a straightforward methodology that will ensure they get the system that best fits their needs while minimizing problems. Here are some tips on moving forward:

  • Find out what is happening in the engineering marketplace. Talk with colleagues at other engineering departments or organizations with situations similar to yours and ask what software and best practices they might recommend.

  • Gather information from product vendors. An important point is not to develop an RFP too early; this may hamstring the organization in receiving the best system for its needs. It's better to review prospective products first and fully determine the must-haves. One way to uncover potential products is through the Internet.

  • Review the qualifications of the consultants. The implementation process requires knowledgeable outside consultants well-versed in EDMS software architecture issues to guide you through each step of the process. Make sure they have the technical experience and consulting expertise to make your switchover as smooth as possible. Have them provide reference projects similar in scope to yours. Develop a good working relationship and work with the consultant to create a full implementation plan and timeline.

  • Conduct an internal survey to determine exactly what the department or administration requires. Once you have reviewed the product and consultant capabilities, you should thoroughly review the requirements with staff, to ensure "buy-in" and to address their most important concerns. This often is done in conjunction with the outside consultant, who will have dealt with many of these issues in other projects.

  • Decide what internal and external resources must be marshalled. How much staff time is required to assist in the implementation of the new EDMS? Which people will have to commit their time to the project? What kind of training is needed and how long will this take? These and other questions must be answered in the implementation plan.

  • Develop an in-house project manager and good executive support. Projects that cross internal political boundaries or require decisions between competing alternatives can lead to "paralysis by analysis" and a stalemate of what is, after all, a very worthwhile effort. Ensuring strong senior management support for the efforts of a dedicated, experienced project manager is a key step in keeping the project moving forward.

  • Negotiate with the proposed consultant and product vendor. At this point, it is important to set project goals and expectations on both sides. It is valuable to document those activities to provide a strong administrative foundation for the process.

  • If you decide to proceed, secure an implementation date. Once the purchase decision is made, some administrators will want the system installed immediately, yet it is important not to push too fast. On the other hand, delaying for too long may cause the project to lose momentum.

  • Select a go-live date, and stick to it. Frequently, customers delay startup because they assume the system cannot be changed after installation. In fact, all systems are reasonably flexible, and most problems can be fixed easily later. It is better to go live and begin reaping the productivity benefits immediately.

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