Training Helps Speed Implementation Process

April 1, 2001
When it comes to customer information systems, even the most cutting-edge technology is useless if a client's employees do not know how to operate it to its maximum capacity.

When it comes to customer information systems, even the most cutting-edge technology is useless if a client's employees do not know how to operate it to its maximum capacity. Here's where the importance of training comes in.

Training on Orcom Solutions' Enterprise Customer Information System (E-CIS) occurs both on site at a client's facilities or at one of Orcom's locations in Bend, OR; Denver, CO; or Scottsbluff, NE. At the beginning of an implementation, a client core team is selected. It typically is made up of a representative sample of the departments that will be using the system on a regular basis. For example, a client core team could include a billing manager, a call center manager, representatives from credit and collections and meter reading technicians, as well as managers in charge of customer service, the back office or even the entire water service operations. Sessions are comprised of a blend of instructional presentations, demonstrations and class exercises.

Training occurs concurrently with Orcom's five-phased implementation approach, its Solution Delivery Method (SDM). In addition to following a comprehensive timeline, SDM incorporates procedures to better ensure a successful transition of knowledge, technology and business processes.

After the implementation strategy is determined, the scope of work finalized and the project plan and schedule baselined (the Scope Phase), basic E-CIS training of the core group begins (the Foundation Phase). This intensive two-week session covers basic training and education on Orcom's technology, including E-CIS, and implementation practices. A typical curriculum also can include the areas of instructional design and delivery, system administration and the help desk. Concurrent to this core group training, the Orcom/client team is establishing the hardware and software environment of the implementation.

After the first two phases are complete, implementation enters into the Modeling Phase. Here business processes, system configurations and modifications are designed. Usually during this phase, the core client group undergoes a week-long program "Train the trainer" session. Here they learn presentation skills and develop PowerPoint presentations that they take back to their co-workers to conduct end-user training. In addition to the initial session, the "train the trainer" also can include a refresher course and lab training.

Such a tiered approach increases convenience - end user sessions can be scheduled around existing work schedules - and saves time and money, since end users can be trained at their own workplace, rather than training off-site.

Training conducted by fellow employees has been shown to increase end-user retention as well. "A complete system change is like learning a language," according to a recent article by CIO magazine. "In the beginning, you need to translate the new language into the old in order to understand the meaning." And who better to serve as translator and ambassador than a trainee's own co-workers?

Activity in the next phase, the Build Phase, includes construction, delivery, testing and acceptance of all solution components. Finally, in the Deploy Phase, the application, processes, data and technology are transitioned into production. From "scope to finish", E-CIS users in essence learn the system from the ground up and gain hands-on experience implementing and deploying the system themselves.

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