McCrometer’s new online product demo makes it easier to understand the application and cost of ownership advantages of the FPI Mag™ Flow Meter. As the successor to the company’s Multi-Mag Insertion Flow Meter, the new FPI Mag is a multi-electrode, hot tap, full profile insertion flow meter delivering a continuous total flow profile similar to a full-bore mag meter. The enhanced design features additional sensing electrodes for increased sensitivity and is now packaged in a heavy-duty 316 stainless steel sensor body for maximum structural integrity. The sensor is coated with a NSF certified 3M fusion-bonded epoxy coating for operational longevity.
Hemet, CA
Tel: 800-220-2279
Circle No. 212 on Reader Service Card
Flow calculator tool
Badger Meter has created an online calculator tool that enables utilities to estimate revenue potential when using water meters that accurately capture readings at both high and low flow rates. Utilities can access this free tool by visiting The Low Flow Revenue Calculator helps utilities compare a variety of common metering technologies. With 16 percent of all domestic water consumption occurring at flow rates of less than 1 gpm, if low flow is not accurately captured by the meter, the impact on a utility’s revenue may be significant.
Badger Meter Inc.
Milwaukee, WI
Tel: 800-876-3837
Circle no. 213 on Reader Service Card
PE pipe
The Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI) has added two new online software aids to assist in the design and installation of polyethylene (PE) pipe. The PPI-BoreAid™ software simplifies the design process of complex calculations for trenchless applications of PE pipe used in gas distribution, water and sewer systems. Project and pipe details can be entered into the tool to assess deflection, critical collapse, pull back force and allowable pullback force. The PPI Design and Engineering Calculator makes available to engineers a tool that assists in greater understanding of PE pipe capabilities. Specifically, the calculator will assist the design engineer in performing multiple computations relating to internal and external pressure ratings, pressure and gravity water flow, water hammer, and automates other assessments for above and underground systems.
Plastics Pipe Institute
Circle no. 214 on Reader Service Card
Gas sensor modules