The Chicago Metropolitan Wastewater Reclamation District (MWRD) has awarded a $404,000 contract to JB Systems to upgrade the districts DEC VAX version of Mainsaver to the client/server version of Mainsaver for Windows®.
The contract is for software, support services and implementation services. MWRD will be using Mainsaver with Oracle for seven plants. One of the seven plants, Stickney, is the largest wastewater treatment plant in the world with a rated capacity of 1,200 mgd.
Mainsaver is a client/server maintenance management application that operates in Windows on PC computers and accesses an SQL database on a server.
The order was based on the success of a pilot installation to test Mainsaver for Windows, according to John Suwara, Vice President of Sales for JB Systems. The pilot demonstrated the systems compatibility with existing business systems, plant practices and computing resources.
The system will interface with the districts in-house inventory system using the newly released Inventory Database Interface designed for batch transfer of inventory data and transactions between Mainsaver and an in-house system.
JB Systems currently supports the SQL Anywhere, Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase, and Informix database management systems. The Mainsaver database can be used on a variety of servers, including HP, IBM, Sun, DEC and IBM-compatible computers. Individual modules of Mainsaver are available, including Maintenance, Materials, Purchasing, Paperless Work Management Imaging, Bar Code, and Touch Memory™, Powersoft’s data access and management tool.
JB Systems is a Commercial Application Partner (CAP) for Powersoft Corp., which develops and markets the Powersoft Enterprise Series of open client/server development tools. Chuck Yates, JB Systems’ VP of Development, is on Powersoft’s CAP Advisory Board.
Birmingham UpdatesBirmingham Updates
Its SCADA System
The City of Birmingham, Ala., has awarded a contract to the Foxboro Company to automate all supervisory control and monitoring functions at the citys Water Works and Sewer Board. The project extends over six counties with 140 remote sites. It will also serve both water and wastewater treatment subsystems.
Birmingham UpdatesBirmingham Updates
Its SCADA System
The project will be implemented in four phases over two years. Eight SCADA hubs are in the system, comprised of four large water treatment plants, two wastewater treatment plants, one large pump station and one monitoring/processing facility. A spread-spectrum radio network provides communications between all sites.
Birmingham UpdatesBirmingham Updates
Its SCADA System
Foxboro will provide I/A Series systems for the SCADA hubs and Central Operations Room locations. The I/A Series system serves as the central historian and will be connected to a fast Ethernet local area network (LAN). This provides management global access to graphical real-time and historical data via PCs.
Birmingham UpdatesBirmingham Updates
Its SCADA System
I/A Series client server and X-Window technology will allow for remote control and configuration capability for all SCADA hubs.
Birmingham UpdatesBirmingham Updates
Its SCADA System
The system will be installed with a team approach. Participating companies include Thompson Electric Co. Inc. of Birmingham; RE Erickson Co. of Walpole, MA, and American Computer Technologies LTD of Portsmouth, RI.