April 1, 2004
With an 18'' diameter and 60'' length, Koch Membrane Systems MegaMagnum RO element is the world's largest spiral element for brackish water treatment.

RO Element

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With an 18'' diameter and 60'' length, Koch Membrane Systems MegaMagnum RO element is the world's largest spiral element for brackish water treatment. It can deliver capital cost savings up to 20%, requiring less space, less piping, and fewer elements than the standard 8" diameter element. The interlocking face-sealing ATD (patent pending) eliminates feedwater bypass and enables smooth loading and unloading of pressure vessels, a process that is handled by an economical and easy to operate element-handling device.
Koch Membrane Systems, Inc.
Wilmington, MA
Tel: 800-343-0499

Brass relief valve

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Norman Noe offers a brass relief valve designed to help regulate and lower pressure in a piping network when utilities are forced to pump water directly into their system while their water storage tank is off line during painting or for other reasons. The valves are installed on fire hydrants.
Norman Noe Co. Inc.
Nineveh, IN
Tel: 317-933-2274

DO analyzers

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The Royce Series 8000 continuous Dissolved Oxygen/Suspended Solids Analyzers combine the company's technologies in a family of multi-channel and multi-parameter instruments. This combination of parameters provide maximum application flexibility. They are available in both multi-parameter single channel (Models 8120/8220) and multi-parameter dual channel (Model 8130/8140/8230/8240) versions for both DO & TSS monitors and controllers. The Dissolved Oxygen channels can use any Royce DO sensor including the Royce Model 96 Electro-Chemical Self-Cleaning sensor. The analyzers use the company's optical technologies in the Suspended Solids channels. The sensor ranges go from in-situ mounted units measuring 0–1500 mg/l up to Pipe Insertion units rated at 0–80,000 mg/l. The outputs of these analyzers can be recorded, sent to a SCADA system or used directly with the Royce Sludge Retention Time and Sludge Management Systems.
Royce Technologies
New Orleans, LA
Tel: 800-347-3505

CMMS system

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Tiscor has unveiled an enhanced version of its computerized maintenance manager system (CMMS) called FacilityManager 2.4. Used with Palm Pilots, Windows-based Pocket PCs, or other hand-held devices, the software system offers a paperless solution for facility personnel to plan, schedule and track maintenance management activities including resources, materials, labor hours and costs.
San Diego, CA
Tel: 800-227-6379

Grease removal

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BioStim has introduced a new line of microbial grease-eliminating products. The BioPlug®, designed specifically for municipal lift stations and sewer lines, aggressively eats grease and organic matter that accumulate in sewer lines and converts them to odorless carbon dioxide and water. The bacteria are time-released and require no maintenance other than the monthly addition of a new plug.
San Antonio, TX
Tel: 800-338-8812

Dosing system

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Hydro Instruments' Liquid Feed System is designed to feed sodium hypochlorite or other liquid chemical solutions. Water flow supplied to the system's Venturi nozzle creates a vacuum that draws the liquid chemical solution into the water supply under vacuum. Solution feed rate is visually indicated on the glass flow tube. Unlike metering pumps, this system will not lose its prime due to off gassing of the chemical solution.
Hydro Instruments
Perkasie, PA
Tel: 888-384-9376

Manhole security devices

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The Stabiloc Manhole Cover Security Device combines stabilization with a unique locking method. Crafted of military grade stainless steel, it is small, strong, and simple to use. The device features a weatherproof, tamper evident protective cap, customer-exclusive tooling and the ability to withstand over 12,000 lbs. of lifting force. Along with security issues, the device helps simplifying the manhole-opening procedure and secures the manhole cover in place. This prevents it from slipping during the removal process and from explosions due to gas leaks or unforeseen causes.
Stabiloc, LLC
Warren, MI
Tel: 586-756-1147

Water quality probe

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In-Situ has announced the release of the Multi Parameter Troll 9000 water quality probe. The probe features "Smart Sensors" that are factory pre-calibrated. The compact 1.79'' diameter probes are offered in six versions, with options to monitor temperature, pressure, level, depth, DO, conductivity, pH, ORP, TDS, resistivity, salinity, nitrate, chloride, ammonium, ammonia, turbidity and chlorophyll. The probe interfaces with an ultra-light, weatherized PDA for profiling or with any laptop computer or SDI-12 logger for longer-term monitoring.
In-Situ, Inc.
Laramie, WY
Tel: 800-446-7488

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