Click here to enlarge imageThe Model 675 submersible level transmitter from AMETEK PMT Products is designed specifically for slurries and highly viscous environments where clogging of the sensor is possible. It uses a 3.5" flush diaphragm within a stainless steel shark cage to prevent unwanted clogging of the sensor area. The instrument is made of 316L stainless steel, is able to perform in depths up to 138 feet of water and is approved for intrinsically safe operation in hazardous locations, including lift stations, sewage level measurement, slurries, storm runoffs and pump control.
Feasterville, PA
Tel: 215-355-6900
Circle No. 226 on Reader Service Card
Dewatering system
Eimco Water Technologies’ CINETIK™ Linear Electro-Dewatering system dewaters and reduces pathogen levels in sludge, using less energy and less space than other systems. Installed in a WWTP after existing mechanical dewatering equipment, the system allows for high dryness levels (30-50% TS), even for secondary and mixed biological sludge. The technology is based on the combined action of controlled mechanical pressure and electro-osmosis, where a continuous current is applied to electrodes, liberating and carrying away the water bonded to hydrophilic particles.
Eimco Water Technologies
Circle No. 224 on Reader Service Card
Solids grinder