As the RO/NF permeate passes through the membranes, the remaining concentrate becomes increasingly concentrated with dissolved solids. Scaling can reduce the flow or flux of permeate and can also damage the membrane itself, causing maintenance concerns.
Degasifiers are typically used as post-treatment to remove gases from the RO/NF permeate by counter-current mass transfer of air and water. Degasifiers serve three important roles: 1) reduction of effluent turbidity by removing sulfide from the water stream before chlorination; 2) odor control for the treated effluent; and 3) corrosion control through the removal of excess CO2.
Depending on the downstream requirements, chemical addition may be required for pH adjustment, corrosion control and disinfection. In addition, innovations found during implementation include energy recovery and blending with existing supplies.
Concentrate Disposal
The other major design concern is the disposal of the RO concentrate. Common methods of disposal include surface water discharge (ocean outfall) and deep well injection, evaporation ponds, membrane distillation, and thermal treatment (although these latter methods are typically only applied when the need for zero-liquid discharge is required).
In Texas, the most common method for BWRO disposal is still surface discharge, while California and Florida use deep well disposal. As the use of brackish and deep groundwater continues, contamination from disposal wells could become a problem.
Current and Future Opportunities
There's a tremendous opportunity for brackish groundwater systems to help meet the water needs of growing populations in Texas, California and Florida. Hydrogeologic and engineering components of a brackish groundwater desalination strategy are not mutually exclusive and will require coordinated planning to achieve the best results. Source water availability and production, raw water quality, pretreatment needs, RO treatment, concentrate disposal, and plant design are all interrelated and should be considered simultaneously throughout project conceptualization and design.
It is clear that there is a sufficient quantity of brackish groundwater of suitable chemical quality to meet future water needs, especially in Texas, California and Florida. However, what remains unknown is the availability of the brackish groundwater resources at the local point of need and how to best manage groundwater as an integrated system. These concepts will be further defined and tested as more BWRO systems are implemented across the U.S.
About the Author: Stefan Schuster is the Texas Water Resources Strategy leader for MWH Global, with 25 years of professional experience in the water resources industry. He has extensive experience as a hydrologist and water resource planner working on diverse water resource planning projects throughout the state. During his career, Schuster has been a lecturer at the University of Texas, Austin, where he taught graduate water resources planning courses. He is a licensed professional geoscientist in Austin, Texas.
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