The core component of the Pentair X-Flow CRP is the HFW 1000 membrane. The membrane fiber combines the chemical resistance of X-Flow's membranes with the organic retention of spiral wound nanofiltration.
Pentair said advantages of the CRP include:
• Requires pre-treatment of only a 300 micron safety screen before the raw surface water is directly fed to the membranes
• Offers chlorine resistance for easy cleaning to help ensure stable operation
• Provides >6-log (99.9999%) reduction of bacteria and viruses
• Eliminates three process steps
• Contains verifiable barrier that can be proven with integrity testing.
Pentair said the technology has proven to achieve a high retention of NOM, expressed as color, humic acids, TOC, and UV254, and shows low retention of hardness, including multivalent ions such as Calcium (Ca2+) and Magnesium (Mg2+).
Juergen von Hollen, vice president, advanced water technology, said: “The level of natural organic matter in surface water provides ongoing challenges to municipalities around the globe."
RO elements from LANXESS approved for drinking water applications
LANXESS' Lewabrane reverse osmosis membrane elements now comply with the “NSF/ANSI Standard 61" for health-related implications of drinking water system components.
The U.S. National Sanitation Foundation (NSF International) has certified that all brackish water membrane elements currently offered by LANXESS are safe for use in the treatment of drinking water.