Three projects from India were named winners in the Global Water Challenge and Ashoka’s Changemakers competition, “Tapping Local Innovation: Unclogging the Water & Sanitation Crisis.” They were narrowed from nine finalists from 265 entries from 54 countries in a global collaborative effort to find the most innovative community-based water and sanitation solutions.
The winners were: Himanshu Parikh Consulting Engineers, India; Naandi Foundation, India; and Swayam Shikshan Prayog, India.
Finalists were: WaterPartners, United States; City Garbage Recyclers, Kenya; Ecotact - Innovating Sanitation, Kenya; The Clean Shop, South Africa; Centre for Community Organization and Development, Malawi; and Manna Energy Foundation, United States.
Biwater AEWT RO system set to supply 15% of Singapore’s water
Biwater AEWT won a supply contract for the largest water reuse project in Southeast Asia. At a capacity of 228,000 m3/day (60MGD), this will provide 15% of Singapore’s water demand by 2010.
The contract is for an RO treatment plant for the fifth, and largest, NEWater facility in Singapore, with engineering design services by Black & Veatch and Sembcorp Utilities. SembCorp is the main contractor for the design, build, own and operate contract at the Changi Water Reclamation Plant.
The new plant will initially treat 68,130 m3/d (18 MGD) of Changi Water Reclamation Plants total effluent, which is currently 800,000 m3/d (211 MGD). By 2010, treatment at the new plant will be ramped up to the full amount.
Also on this project, Toray won an order to supply low fouling RO membrane elements in two batches to be delivered in 2008 and 2009.
Field Notes
CHINA: Three months before the Beijing Olympic Games, Siemens Water Technologies started up a wastewater reuse system at the city’s Beixiaohe WwTP that employs eco-friendly technologies in water/wastewater management to more than doubled the plant’s capacity to 100,000 m3/day. The goal is to process 90% of wastewater, with 50% for recycle and reuse. The solution includes a Memjet MBR system, which treats wastewater for reuse in the Olympic Village central area, fountains and lakes.
CHINA: ITT Corp. donated eight portable water purification units and replacement parts to areas of China affected by May’s earthquakes. The equipment arrived June 12 in Sichuan Province for use at selected relief shelters. Valued at $290,000, it will provide nearly 55,000 lph of safe drinking water for quake victims – enough to satisfy over 200,000 people. Meanwhile, SonTek/YSI and its parent company YSI Inc. donated $65,000 in acoustic Doppler current surveyors to allow regional hydrologists to gauge water flow speed and strength for early flood/mudslide alerts.
GUAM: The Naval Facilities Engineering Command (Marianas) picked CDM for design-build repairs and upgrades to the Apra Harbor WwTP - Naval Base, Guam, to support relocation of U.S. forces from Okinawa. The $36 million project will restore the plant to its original capacity of 4.3 MGD, as well as upgrade process components and equipment to provide greater reliability and efficiency to meet USEPA requirements.