CAIRO, Egypt - Phosphate company EcoPhos has contracted Veolia Water Technologies to supply two HPD® evaporation and crystallization systems as part of a new fertiliser production facility in Egypt.
The HPD systems will be installed as two separate units and will include a calcium chloride pre-concentration and concentration plant as well as a phosphoric acid concentration system.
The Veolia process equipment will contribute towards production of 60,000 metric tons (MT) of di-calcium phosphate (DCP), 33,600 MT of purified phosphoric acid (PPA), and 90,000 MT per year of granular, anhydrous calcium chloride.
The phosphate end product will be sold into the agricultural and animal feed markets following the start-up of the plant at the end of 2017.
Laurent Palierne, business development manager at EcoPhos, said: “Veolia’s equipment in the overall plant will both concentrate phosphoric acid to 85% H3PO4 and 160,000 MTPA of calcium chloride of which, 90,000 MTPA will be granulated to 96% CaCl2. Purified calcium chloride is a co-product of our eco-friendly, proprietary EcoPhos process and results from the reaction of hydrochloric acid with low-grade rock to produce DCP and PPA.”
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