HOLLAND, Mich., Oct. 11, 2000—USFilter will supply a J-SPIN dewatering system to the West Mifflin Sewer Authority in West Mifflin, Penn.
After reviewing all the current technologies and viewing the J-SPIN in action, the authority felt there simply was no other choice. "I've always been a believer in belt presses...centrifuges have sometimes received a bad rap. We evaluated the seven or eight centrifuge manufacturers in the country. The J-SPIN was the best one: no vibration and no noise. It's fantastic equipment, that's what sold us," said Ken Frick, general manager of West Mifflin Sewer Authority.
The J-SPIN centrifuge will dewater the biosolids from the New England STD facility, then it will be hauled to a local landfill. The 50-gallon per minute (GPM) centrifuge is expected to dewater the biosolids to more than 30% solids.
"The J-SPIN centrifuge will help reduce hauling fees associated with the transportation of a liquid product from one facility to the next, which is one of the main reasons for adding the centrifuge at the biosolids facility," added Frick.
The J-SPIN dewaters most municipal biosolids to more than 30% solids - and at the same time it minimizes the polymer dose, compared to competitive equipment.
The newly designed J-SPIN can easily dewater the varying types of waste produced at municipal wastewater plants. USFilter will also supply equipment surrounding the J-SPIN technology including a 22" screw conveyor from USFilter's Asdor Products and a Stranco Products polymer feed unit.
USFilter's partners in the project are Chester Engineers of Corapolis, Penn. and representative firm, BissNuss, Inc. of Pittsburgh, Penn. The West Mifflin project is scheduled for completion by the end of this year.
USFilter, a Vivendi Water company, is the leading global provider of commercial, industrial, municipal and residential water and wastewater treatment systems, products and services, with operations in more than 100 countries. For more information, visit USFilter's web site at http://www.usfilter.com.