Four new products now available from NSFC

Nov. 25, 2003
Four new products are now available from the National Small Flows Clearinghouse.

MORGANTOWN, WV, Nov. 25, 2003 -- Four new products are now available from the National Small Flows Clearinghouse.

"What do you mean my house has a septic tank," (Item #WWBLPE82), is a booklet designed specifically with the homeowner in mind. This booklet unlocks many mysteries associated with onsite wastewater treatment systems. The booklet includes semi-technical descriptions of septic tanks, soil absorption fields, cesspools, seepage pits, and dry wells. Regular maintenance and routine pumping are detailed along with techniques on how to:

- locate your system,
- measure the sludge and scum in the septic tank, and
- determine when to pump your tank.

The last section is dedicated to "how to care for your septic tank" by discussing what not to put down the drain; the use of additives, garbage disposers; when repairs are needed; and whom to contact for servicing your system. This booklet will be useful to the general public, public health officials, and contractors/developers.

The cost of this booklet is $8.45. Shipping charges do apply.

"Directions in Development: An Integrated Approach to Wastewater Treatment - Deciding Where, When, and How Much to Invest," (Item # WWBKMG24), this paper looks at the experience of four higher-income countries (France, Germany, Spain, and the United States) in managing wastewater at the river basin level. Each of them has gone through three stages:

- uncoordinated local management first,
- then a decentralized approach with a lead planning and facilitation agency to help set priorities at the river basin level, and
-more recently a move toward uniform disposal standards.

The paper concludes that the first stage has led to inefficiencies, as well as gaps in coverage, and the third-stage "blanket" approach gives poor value-for-money. A second-stage approach would be more effective for capital-scarce economies.

Recent experiences in developing and transition countries are assessed against this framework. The paper then maps a process through which a "stage two" approach could be implemented in a river basin. Practitioners in government, donor agencies, and the private sector will find this paper a useful contribution to an urgent debate. This information will be useful to engineers, local officials, managers, planners, regulatory agencies, state officials, state regulatory officials and the general public.

The cost of this booklet is $39.55. Shipping charges do apply.

"Water Infrastructure: Information on Financing, Capital Planning, and Privatization," (Item #FMBKFN41) The respective ranking minority members of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and its Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, and Water, asked the GAO to examine several issues relating to the funding available to help meet the capital investment needs of the nation's drinking water and wastewater facilities.

The GAO agreed to provide the information in two reports. The first report, issued in November 2001, addressed the amounts and sources of federal and state financial assistance for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure during fiscal years 1991 through 2000. This second report provided by GAO examines:

1) how funds obtained by large public and private drinking water and wastewater utilities-those serving populations greater than 10,000-through user charges and other local funding sources compare with their cost of providing service;
2) how such utilities manage existing capital assets and plan for needed capital improvements; and
3) what factors influence private companies' interest in assuming the operation or ownership of publicly owned drinking water and wastewater facilities.

The information in this report should be of interest to those wastewater professionals, local officials, planners, managers, state officials, public health officials, and finance officers whose work involves the either planning, maintaining, or financing a community's drinking water and wastewater infrastructure.

This report is free. Shipping charges do apply.

"Suitability of Ohio Soils for Treating Wastewater," (Item # WWBLGN211), explains how soil treats wastewater, which soil series are suited to septic system leachfields and mound systems, and shallow dispersal of treated wastewater. The bulletin also includes directions on how to find information on soil characteristics and references are provided for more information. Several tables and figures, including a cross-section of a mound system, and delineation of soil series suited and not suited for particular types of wastewater treatment systems, soil dispersal, and waste application are also included.

The appendix includes a chart of the percent of soils in onsite wastewater treatment suitability categories for all 88 Ohio counties. Onsite sewage treatment system designers, planners, installers, and regulators all can use this valuable information to help select the most appropriate wastewater treatment disposal systems for a tract of land.

This bulletin is free. Shipping charges do apply.

To learn more about these products, visit our New Products Page on the NSFC Web Site Four new products are now available from the National Small Flows Clearinghouse.

To place your order, call (800) 624-8301 or (304) 293-4191. Orders also may be faxed to (304) 293-3161 or sent via e-mail [email protected]

Located at West Virginia University, the NSFC is a nonprofit organization funded by the U.S. EPA to provide free and low-cost information about small community wastewater treatment. For more information, call the NSFC at (800) 624-8301 and request a free information packet or visit NSFC's Web site at

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