April 24, 2001—The North American Development Bank (NADB) has signed an agreement with the Nuevo Laredo Municipal Commission of Water and Sewage/Comision Municipal de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado (COMAPA), to develop and update a user registry and the associated mapping of the city.
This institutional strengthening project will be financed by a grant totaling approximately US$350,000 form the NADB's Institutional Development Cooperation Program (IDP). The City of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas borders with Laredo, Texas.
In the year 2000, the population of Nuevo Laredo was estimated at 375,000 with an average household of 4.18 people. At that time, the 99% of the population had access to potable water and 89% to sewage. In December 2000, COMAPA's registry included a total of 75,712 accounts, 72,248 of which were domestic users, 3,252 commercial, and 212 industrial.
As of the same date, 32,066 users paid a fixed monthly fee for the services received while the remaining 43,646 had metered service. Based on information from engineering plans available, it is estimated that there are approximately 8,300 unregistered users. The high number of unregistered users justifies the urgent need for the update of the user registry study. The NADB intends to engage consultants to carry out this project.
The project consists of (1) the update of a registry that includes all users, to include domestic, commercial, industrial, government or public, a combination of the same, and those in the process of applying for service; (2) the update of the associated mapping on a block-by-block basis; (3) the correlation of existing accounts to the new user registry; (4) the evaluation of existing software, and if necessary, the selection of a new software; and (5) the evaluation of the existing hardware, and if necessary, the recommendation of additional computer equipment required for the development and update of the new user registry and associated mapping.
The study is expected to begin in July 2001 and take approximately nine months to complete.
Further information may be obtained from Erick Schlebach, Senior Procurement Officer, North American Development Bank, 203 South. St. Mary's, Suite 300, San Antonio, Texas, 78205. Tel. (210) 231-8000 and Fax. (210) 231-6232, Ad No. 01NLD042607IDP.