Monitoring the pressure levels at JEA's modern vacuum sewer station takes only a few minutes each day.
Operations and maintenance are huge cost items for public utilities. Public works directors tend to think long term when considering technology options for their districts, so when JEA first considered a vacuum sewer system, there was skepticism from some personnel about how much time and money would be required to keep the sewers flowing properly.
"I've been with JEA for 22 years. It was all force-main gravity sewers until a few years ago when we started hearing about vacuum sewers," said Phil Yeatman, a maintenance coordinator for JEA. "Vacuum sewers present a different theory on how to move fluids. The Scott Mill area, one of the areas where we installed them, is basically a swamp. It would have a cost too much to install gravity lines there, so we looked at vacuum technology as an alternative."
Most of JEA's staff had limited knowledge of vacuum sewers prior to the Scott Mill installation, so there was some understandable anxiety about O&M issues.
"My first thought was that it would be like a grinder pump system; every customer would have a unit in their yard that would require electricity, have mechanical parts, a pump, a float and an alarm; a very labor intensive set-up," said Yeatman. "But with a vacuum sewer, you have none of that."
Yeatman noted that a single vacuum valve pit will serve two or three homes, and that vacuum valves operate pneumatically, so no electricity is required.
JEA's Martin said that he first assumed he would need at least two or three men dedicated to daily vacuum sewer maintenance, but that has not been the case. One workman is assigned to check the vacuum station each day for routine maintenance, which usually takes 15-30 minutes.