• Environmental Business Journal acknowledges innovative soil vapor pathway solution
SAN DIEGO, Jan. 15, 2008 -- The Adventus Group, a global environmental biotechnology enterprise, announced their "2007 Business Achievement Award for Remediation Technology" by the Environmental Business Journal.
In the Technology Merit: Remediation category, Adventus biotechnologies for soil, sediment and groundwater remediation based on in situ chemical reduction (ISCR) were recognized. The winning case study revolved around a successfully cleaned-up California site consisting of a 90-acre area formerly used as an oilfield waste disposal facility. The site is being redeveloped into 300 residential units and a resource protection area for endangered plants.
VOCs such as 1,2-DCA; cis-1,2-DCE; and vinyl chloride were historically discharged with the oilfield waste materials, and were present in soil and groundwater at concentrations that posed concerns for residential vapor intrusion and water quality protection. Adventus and its engineering partner, LFR Inc., deployed a multiple-approach treatment process combining excavation, on-site treatment, and in situ treatment using a low application of Adventus' patented DARAMEND ISCR technology for soil remediation.
This approach involved the excavation of three source areas, excavation of the upper saturated zone over the VOC groundwater plume, and backfilling of the source areas and upper saturated zone with a reactive mixture of DARAMEND and native sand. Combined with limited pumping and treatment, placing the DARAMEND-sand mixture, a "reactive blanket," over exposed areas containing concentrations of dissolved VOCs will provide long-term mitigation of vapor pathway concerns, as VOCs migrating into the backfilled source areas or the reactive blanket will be degraded by the ISCR processes, thereby ensuring increased marketability of the prospective residential units.
"Real differentiation in the industry today is about providing service to support technology," explained Dr. Alan Seech, CEO of Adventus Group. "Adventus has driven many of the industry's product and service innovations including ISCR technologies, which are fast becoming the market standard for a growing range of toxic contaminants. It is truly gratifying to be recognized by EBJ for our commitment in delivering exceptional value to our growing customer base."
This citation is part of Environmental Business Journal's annual "best practices" awards that recognize companies for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance. The EBJ Technology Merit: Remediation Award is presented each year to companies that have demonstrated excellence in bringing to market a portfolio of new products and technologies within their industry. The recipient company has shown innovation by launching proven products and technologies designed to solve real-world business problems.