• MWH Soft InfoWater selected as Authority's water distribution system enterprise engineering GIS
BROOMFIELD, CO, Feb. 25, 2009 -- MWH Soft, a leading global provider of environmental and water resources applications software, announced that the Mohawk Valley Water Authority (MVWA), New York, has selected MWH Soft industry-leading InfoWater software to support the updating and maintenance of its full-scale water distribution system GIS and hydraulic model. The decision underscores MWH Soft's market-leading momentum in advanced geospatial infrastructure modeling and design solutions in North America.
The award-winning MVWA provides water to more than 125,000 people in Central New York state. With a service area covering approximately 150 square miles, the Authority maintains some 645 miles of pipe, 28 storage tanks, 3 reservoirs, 25 pumping stations, 8 treatment facilities, and over 60 pressure reducing regulators. The MVWA and its staff have received many industry accolades, including the prestigious AWWA Fuller Award. The utility plans to use MWH Soft InfoWater to guide capital improvement efforts for its drinking water infrastructure and help it continue to best serve its customers.
"InfoWater's power, rich functionality, ease of use and seamless ArcGIS-integration allow engineers and GIS professionals to work together and reliably share critical modeling information, resulting in greater engineering quality and efficiency," said Dick Goodney, P.E., Capital Projects Engineer for MVWA. "The availability of highly skilled local technical support was also pivotal in our decision to standardize on MWH Soft advanced GIS-centric technology. We can now create a truly integrated enterprise GIS engineering environment for all of our departments -- giving us the power to make reliable, informed decisions that improve productivity, react quickly to emergencies, and increase customer satisfaction."
Unlike competing products, the innovative network modeling technology of MWH Soft GIS-centric InfoWater software addresses every facet of water utility infrastructure management, optimization and protection -- delivering the highest rate of return in the industry. Built atop ArcGIS (ESRI, Redlands, California) and drawing on the most advanced numerical computation and object-component geospatial technologies, it effortlessly reads GIS datasets; corrects network topology problems and data flaws; extracts pertinent modeling information; and automatically and accurately constructs, skeletonizes, loads, calibrates and generates optimized solutions with astounding speed.
The result is performance modeling that sets new levels of scalability, reliability, functionality and flexibility within the powerful ArcGIS environment. Using these advanced tools, utilities can easily simulate and evaluate various conditions, pinpoint system deficiencies, and determine the most cost-effective improvements to ensure optimum performance, achieve regulatory compliance, and meet vital security challenges.
"Speed, ease of use, reliability, flexibility, value, and power are the words that best describe our state-of-the-art GIS-centric modeling solutions," said Paul F. Boulos, Ph.D, President and COO of MWH Soft. "When progressive utilities like MVWA choose MWH Soft as their solution partner, the superiority of our products is reconfirmed. We're very proud to know that our software applications are in place at many of the world's best-run utility companies of every size, helping them meet their corporate and strategic goals and achieve world-class performance at breakthrough cost savings."
MWH Soft is a leading global provider of technical and infrastructure software and professional solutions designed to meet the technological needs of utilities, government industries, and engineering organizations worldwide.