HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA, Feb. 28, 2006 -- Blue-White announced the company received notification it has been issued a patent for its exclusive Tube Failure Detection (TFD) System. The U.S. Patent and Trademark office issued the patent, No.7, 001,153, on Feb. 21.
The TFD System is breakthrough technology for peristaltic-style metering pumps. It will detect a wide range of chemicals and this exclusive technology was designed to disregard pump compatible fluids. If a non-compatible fluid is detected, the pump will automatically shut off and energize a relay or switch, permitting communication with external equipment, such as a back-up pump, an alarm or a SCADA System.
Blue-White is the only peristaltic metering pump manufacturer to add this kind of safety feature to its pumps.
Blue-White Industries ( is based in Huntington Beach, CA. It's a leading manufacturer of metering pumps (diaphragm, peristaltic), flowmeters (variable-area, paddlewheel), and water treatment accessories.