FORT WASHINGTON, PA, April 2, 2007 -- Severn Trent Services announced Friday it has been awarded separate contracts to supply TETRA® DeepBed™ filtration systems at four wastewater facilities currently being constructed for Southern Water Ltd.
Southern Water is a U.K.-based water company that provides water and wastewater treatment services in the South of England. The contracts form part of an existing framework agreement that was signed in May 2005.
The four facilities, located in Ashford, Tunbridge Wells, Horsham and Eastleigh Chickenhall, are all due to be commissioned in the fall of 2007. The tertiary sand filters are designed to reduce suspended solid levels and are capable of handling peak flows ranging from 31,190 to 74,409m3/day
The TETRA DeepBed filter is a gravity sand filter used to treat effluent from municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. The TETRA DeepBed filter is a down flow unit and achieves excellent retention of solids at high hydraulic and solids loading rates. The unit does not require the effluent to be pre-screened and can be readily switched on and off to optimize operating costs. The high-efficiency backwash process maximizes solids release after a single operation with virtually no media loss.
Severn Trent Services (, based in Fort Washington, PA, is a leading supplier of water and wastewater treatment solutions. The company's broad range of products and services is concentrated around disinfection, instrumentation and filtration technologies, contract operating services, state-of-the-art residential metering products and services. Our analytical services group is the United Kingdom's leading environmental testing organization, and our international management services business provides support in all aspects of water and wastewater utility operational development and business transformation. Severn Trent Services is a member of the Severn Trent Plc group of companies. Severn Trent is a FTSE 100 company.
Also see: "Severn Trent Services selected to provide tertiary nitrification to U.K. utility"