Thordon Bearings


About Thordon Bearings


More Info on Thordon Bearings

Thordon’s polymer bearing solutions reduce operating costs,provide long wear life, eliminate oil and grease,and endure abrasive conditions.

Products and Press Releases

Pump Bearings169

Vertical Pumps

March 4, 2020
Thordon Bearings designs and manufactures a complete line of grease and oil-free vertical pump bearings.

Articles & News

ThorPlas-Blue bearings can withstand operating pressure of up to 45 MPa (6,527 psi).
Wastewater Treatment

Disc Shaft Bushing in Dubai

Sept. 14, 2020
The Dubai Electricity & Water Authority was having with their OEM bearings, so they worked with Thordon to replace them using ThorPlas-Blue.
Thordon SXL bearings.
Wastewater Treatment

Water Connections: Keeping Cool in the Superdome

Sept. 13, 2019
The Superdome needed a robust replacement bearing material that would easily integrate into the pump design. Thordon’s SXL pump bearings were selected as the ideal solution due...

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