RELINER®/Duran Inc.


About RELINER®/Duran Inc.


More Info on RELINER®/Duran Inc.

RELINER®/Duran Inc. is a Connecticut-based manufacturer dedicated to providing simple, cost-effective, durable products for use in the wastewater and construction industries.

Articles & News

Photo courtesy Reliner Duran.
Drop Bowls are available with outlets ranging from 4” to 24” and are available to fit most round and flat walled structures.

Maintaining Efficient Flow Through Manholes

Dec. 16, 2021
Efficient flow within a manhole is an often-overlooked aspect of collection system construction and rehabilitation. Controlling the flow from elevated inlets is critical to reducing...
Drop Bowls are available with outlets ranging from 4” to 24” and are available to fit most round and flat walled structures.

Maintaining Efficient Flow Through Manholes

Dec. 15, 2020
Efficient flow within a manhole is an often-overlooked aspect of collection system construction and rehabilitation. Controlling the flow from elevated inlets is critical to reducing...
A fiberglass drop bowl is bolted to the manhole wall just beneath the high-level inflow pipe.
Wastewater Treatment

An Infrastructure Alternative to Outside Drop Connections

Aug. 13, 2020
The RELINER®/Duran Inside Drop System was designed to control flow using simple, cost-effective, readily available components.
RELINER® engineers prepare a sketch of the manhole, showing modular components.
Asset Management

Rehabilitating Deteriorated Manholes with Modular Manhole Invert Channel System

Dec. 12, 2019
To improve manhole hydraulics, the city of Davenport, Iowa, utilized RELINER® Modular Manhole Invert Channels to rehab aging manholes in the city.
The system consists of a fiberglass drop bowl that is bolted to the manhole wall just beneath the high-level inflow pipe.
Wastewater Treatment

Water connections: Sewer Infrastructure Repair and Construction

Aug. 16, 2019
The RELINER®/Duran Inc. Inside Drop System was designed to control flow using simple, cost-effective, readily available components.

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