Charles (Chuck) Ross, PE

Technical Director, Organic Wastewater Center of Excellence

Charles Ross is a registered professional engineer with 37 years of experience in industrial waste management and wastewater treatment, primarily in the areas of physical/chemical treatment (dissolved air flotation, or DAF) and biological treatment (anaerobic and aerobic).

In 1987, Ross co-founded and became Vice President of Environmental Treatment Systems™, which became an Evoqua brand in 2016. Environmental Treatment Systems is a major provider of DAF and biological treatment systems. Prior to that, he was on the research faculty of the Georgia Tech Research Institute for thirteen years where he co-chaired the Georgia Tech Food Industry Environmental Conference from 1987-1994.

Ross is a member of the Water Environment Federation, having served on the Literature Committee. He is an author of more than 40 technical papers and other publications on waste management and environmental monitoring. Ross has a BSc in agricultural engineering from the University of Tennessee and an MSc in engineering from Georgia Tech.