WaterWorld Video News Update eNL - Feb 2nd, 2023
WaterWorld Video News Update eNL | View online
February 2, 2023
Reese Tisdale of Bluefield Research, talks about the major trends and challenges for the water sector in 2023.
The TWRP project selected a web-based platform to coordinate large amounts of data, using it so successfully as to win the water/wastewater category of Bentley’s Going Digital Awards.
Bentley’s vice president of water infrastructure talks about smart water infrastructure and its ability to inform operational decisions.
De Nora’s Mirka Wilderer walks through the company’s wide range of disinfection and filtration technologies.
Mueller's Yolanda Kokayi chats at WEFTEC 22 about the company's 165th anniversary and innovative product lines.
Badger Meter's acquisition of both ATI and s:can added water quality monitoring to the company's already robust portfolio.
Aerzen's Tom McCurdy talks about the company's plan to help customers during times of uncertainty.