About the author:
Lauren Del Ciello | WQP Managing Editor
Lauren Del Ciello
I want to talk to you about the power of storytelling. When I first started working on WQP five years ago, I didn’t know much about water’s story. I knew I had a passion for our wonderful environment and hoped my communication skills could support that. But — as I’ve mentioned in this space before — I was born and raised on Lake Michigan drinking water, so water quality issues were something I was blessed to seldom face.
I said to a dear mentor recently that I’ve developed a little bit of a “love story” for water’s mission. Cheesy, I know, but true. I think it began for me when I started interviewing dealers for our “Dealer of the Month” series. I’ve truly enjoyed getting to know the amazing people propelling the water industry forward, seeing behind the scenes in their businesses and their passion for their work.
That “love story” was further propelled when I started developing a deeper understanding of the intersections between different facets of the water industry and how far those relationships have come. In my conversations over the years with industry leaders, I’ve seen a rising tide swell in how we approach our peers working to solve other aspects of the water quality puzzle — less finger-pointing and more collective effort to recognize and grow from our mutual obstacles. We’re all facing similar challenges at the end of the day, from the approaching Silver Tsunami and education obstacles that wave presents to a continuous battle to elevate consumer understanding of water quality and quantity issues.
When I chat with dealers, I often ask what their most successful marketing technique is. The #1 answer I get to this question by far is “word of mouth.” I love that, because it shows me the industry is full of kind folks dedicated to their mission and community, but…it also concerns me. If you, the driving force and lifeblood of the water industry, aren’t shouting from the rooftops the vital role of technology and water professionals in solving serious water quality and quantity issues, then who is? Who is telling your story? Who is translating these macro issues into micro conversations?
I firmly believe that communication is how we move forward, not stay the same, but grow. Don’t forget it. I know I might even ruffle a few feathers with these statements, but you’ve changed me through our time together. And, now, I hope I’ve changed you.
With that, dear readers, this marks my last issue at the helm of WQP. It’s been an honor and pleasure learning and growing together. Do me a favor and share your story? Shout it from the rooftops. For me, for you, for us … for the future.