Diverse Perspectives
All About Water’s team is unique because they have a diverse staff that is able to cater to a variety of customer needs. The team is culturally and ethnically diverse, and also spans a wide age range, Green said. Employees include marketers in their mid-eighties and technicians in their early twenties. This diversity helps the business connect with their customers’ needs.
“We have a really wide range of people that work for us,” Green said. “I think it makes us so powerful because our customers are very wide ranges.”
The business also fosters an atmosphere of teamwork amongst its employees. This atmosphere is an important part of helping the team perform its best and encouraging each member to grow.
“We are working for each other,” Green said. “We work hard for each and every one of us and then that crosses over into how we deliver service to our customers. We treat everyone like family.”
The business encourages and values team engagement, which carries over into its strategy for attracting young talent and retaining employees. All About Water prioritizes continuous learning and mentorship to create a desirable work environment for new and current employees.
“I may spend 30 minutes a week with one individual employee just letting them ask me questions. What is it that they are interested in and what is important to them in regards to business?” Green said. “We are always working to build entrepreneurial minds, so our company also has a great level of transparency.”
Part of that transparency is open communication with the team about how the business is doing, what the goals are and what the expectations from its employees are. Green has found that the team, especially young people, appreciate the open dialogue and the opportunity to be involved with the business’ growth.
In addition to continuous learning and mentorship opportunities, All About Water leverages its digital presence to attract young talent. The business is active on LinkedIn and other social media platforms where young people may be looking for jobs. Its relationship with Costco has helped attract new employees, as well.
The business’ digital strategy also includes marketing to consumers. It does paid advertising to keep up with the competitive digital market in Phoenix. All About Water recently rebuilt its website to be more mobile-friendly and efficient for users. However, the business’ most effective marketing strategy for generating customer leads is its referral program.
“The referral program has been very great for us,” Green said. “We know what we’re going to spend for advertising, so I look at it that whether I pay Google or I pay [a customer], either way I am spending the money for advertising.”
All About Water also has found that conducting follow-up phone call surveys with customers helps the business improve and helps strengthen customer relationships.
Moving Forward
A large part of moving forward with the future of the water treatment industry is ensuring the new generation is continuing to learn from the mentorship of the older generation. Green cites continuous learning as one of her goals and values opportunities to gain knowledge from Crissman and other industry veterans.
“I really consider it an honor when Dave sits at the table and he spends an hour with me talking about things,” Green said. “Sometimes I am talking to him about ideas or things that I want to do and he enlightens me.”
With a new generation beginning to step up, the future of the water industry is bright, Green said.
“With the succession planning and the handing down of dealerships to a younger generation we are in for a lot of fun,” Green said. “I think that we bring fresh ideas. Personally, I have such an appreciation for the older generation, but I think that it is going to be a lot of fun being able to kind of reinvent what the dealership looks like, how we provide services and getting more involved in the digital world.”