Flint, Michigan, Enters Final Stage of Replacing Lead Pipes

June 29, 2021

City officials set a final deadline of July 23, 2021 for residents to consent to get their lead water pipes replaced for free. 

Flint, Michigan's, lead water pipe removal program has entered its final stages, according to city officials.

As of June 18, 2021, Flint has checked the service lines at 27,092 homes and replaced 10,041 lead and/or galvanized steel pipes, according to the city’s website. The remaining 17,051 homes did not need replacement. 

City officials set a final deadline of July 23, 2021 for residents to consent to get their lead water pipes replaced for free. 

Residents can give the city consent to do the work through a form available here

Completing the work will likely extend through the end of this year, according to city officials. 

On June 28, 2021 the U.S. EPA hosted the community roundtable with organizers representing Michigan cities of Flint and Detroit in order to highlight the experience of these two cities with lead in drinking water.

“The impacts of the water crisis on residents, on children, and on the community are long-lasting, said Elizabeth Cisar, senior advisor for EPA’s Office of Water, reported ABC 12. “It is essential that EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule is informed by the experience of Flint and other cities across the midwest that are dealing with the legacy of lead pipes."

Even if residents previously declined service line replacement, they can still get their water pipes checked.

“We have been enduring the water crisis for seven long years. Completion of the lead service line replacement program is the single most important project designed to reduce the risk of lead exposure in our community,” said Mayor Neeley, reported the city’s website. “We need all residents’ cooperation to protect our community now and for future generations.”

Additionally, replacing lead and galvanized steel service lines in the city is a major infrastructure improvement set to be completed in 2021. Flint also expects to complete construction of the secondary water line and a new water treatment building this year, added the city’s website.

Read related content about lead service line replacement:

About the Author

Cristina Tuser

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