Sioux Falls purchased 50 wireless flow-meter systems manufactured by Hach Company to improve flow monitoring. |
The city of Sioux Falls, South Dakota's Public Works Reclamation Department is currently involved in an aggressive, long-term project to identify, quantify and mitigate sources of inflow and infiltration (I/I) in its aging wastewater collection system. The program was initiated in 2010 after substantial rain events inundated portions of its sanitary sewer collection system. Its service area includes 73 square miles and services 159,000 customers. With 800 miles of sewer pipe and over 14,000 manholes in its system, this large project is still considered to be in its infancy, yet the city is already seeing results from its efforts.
With some of Sioux Fall's first piping installed in the early 1890s, it began work on the older basins as a first priority. The use of flow meters that provide accurate flow data is paramount in any I/I program. Further, the city purchased 50 wireless flow meter systems manufactured by Hach Company for the flow monitoring portion of the program. The use of flow monitoring systems that utilize wireless flow loggers and non-contact, web-enabled flow sensors will eliminate the need for routine site visits to collect flow data or perform maintenance reducing the overall program cost for the city.
Each of the 50 flow meter systems comprises a Hach FL900 Wireless Flow Logger and a FLO-DAR radar/velocity sensor. For ease of installation and increased flow meter data accuracy, the Hach FL900 Series Wireless Flow Logger was designed with advanced diagnostics that provide on-site verification of flow meter performance and advanced signal processing with filtering options that reduce noise in difficult applications. Dynamic logging intervals automatically enable the delivery of greater resolution flow data during high flow periods and battery/data volume conservation during low flow seasons. The logger can accommodate up to four plug-and-play sensors with a choice of four sensor technologies. According to Flow Meter Program Coordinator Scott Knutson, who is responsible for meter installations and data reporting, "Setup and calibration are efficient. We typically can set up a meter in under a half hour."
The non-contact FLO-DAR radar velocity/area sensor used with the city's FL900 Flow Logger combines advanced Digital Doppler Radar velocity sensing technology with ultrasonic pulse echo depth sensing to remotely measure open channel flow. By measuring the velocity of the fluid from above, FLO-DAR eliminates accuracy problems inherent with submerged sensors, including sensor disturbances, high solids content and distribution of reflectors. Each of the FLO-DAR sensors is equipped with an optional surcharge velocity sensor that provides uninterrupted and accurate flow monitoring during surcharge or high water conditions.
Sioux Fall's unedited sewer flow meter data is available 24/7 in real-time via FSDATA - a secure website that allows for the management of flow data from Hach wireless flow meter networks. Professional flow data reporting is easily accomplished with FSDATA's graphical web-based user interface. Hydrographs, scatter-plots and tabular data for any logged measurement are provided along with quick summary reports. Knutson added, "I generate numerous sets of data each month for reporting, and FSDATA is flexible and easy to use quickly. The graphing features are particularly useful for generating quick and easy-to-read graphic displays for reports."