Start With a Dream, Leave A Legacy

Sept. 7, 2022
This year has brought the return of commerce, travel, and social entertainment to approximately pre-COVID numbers. Now we can begin to turn our attention to something that may have alluded us as we tackled all the challenges of the pandemic: dreaming.

At the height of the pandemic, as many as 50 million Americans became unemployed and about two percent of businesses permanently closed. Businesses were casually told to pivot and then pivot again. That pivot brought changes to many parts of our daily lives from retail shopping to education, entertainment, and even our careers, made possible with digital solutions such as virtual classrooms and work-from-home offices. Only time will tell how many of these changes will be permanent. Although these changes were done in response to the pandemic, they may have brought about the “new normal” we were already seeking. Let’s not lose sight of the fact that we are truly writing history.

This year has brought the return of commerce, travel, and social entertainment to approximately pre-COVID numbers. Now we can begin to turn our attention to something that may have alluded us as we tackled all the challenges of the pandemic: dreaming. Dreaming is an integral part to success, whether it be in business or our own personal journeys. Dreaming lifts the human spirit above the daily grind and inspires us to contemplate something beyond the immediate: our legacy.

What does legacy mean to you? For me, I once thought leaving a legacy was only for billionaires that could build new hospital wings or humanitarians that could establish charities to aid the poor. However, leaving a legacy does not require money. It could be accepting a community leadership role, serving in our military, publishing a book, volunteering, or mentoring the next generation. It’s unequivocal; all legacies must start with a dream.

If you dare to set out on your own legacy dream, be prepared for uncompromising and soul-crushing resistance. Resistance will come in all shapes: procrastination, fear, doubt, and frustration. Resistance does not sleep. It may be a financial investor saying you cannot take the risk right now or a supplier that has tripled the cost of goods, eliminating your start-up business idea.

Lastly, when I speak of resistance, I would be seriously remiss if I did not speak of its most ruthless messenger: fear. Many of us will live our entire lifetime in the shadow of fear, especially the fear of risking our social reputations. Do not let this stop you from living your dream. Even Marcus Aurelius, one of Rome’s greatest emperors, kept a personal journal dedicated almost entirely to his fears, especially those of his social reputation and what his legacy would be. He conquered many of his own fears by examining his inevitable mortality and thereby liberating himself from caring about rejection, judgment, and humiliation. Therefore, take a risk and start dreaming — your legacy will follow.

I would like to leave you with an inspirational quote from the late Kalpana Chawla, the first Indian woman to explore space aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia: “The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get on to it, and the perseverance to follow it.”

So, I conclude this article now … I’ve got things to do, dreams to dream, and legacies to build. I invite you to do the same! WW

Published in WaterWorld magazine, September 2022.

About the Author

Henk-Jan van Ettekoven

Henk-Jan van Ettekoven is President of Huber Technology, Inc. and a member of the Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association (WWEMA). As a member of the Association’s Executive Committee, he serves as Treasurer and is also a member of the Board of Directors. 

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