By Stefania Galletti and Dave Landon
WRc plc, a UK consultancy offering services in the water, waste and environment sectors, is coordinating an international program on Energy Efficiency Benchmarking addressed to water and wastewater services operators.
The program, which started in 2006, currently involves nine water utilities including four based in the UK, four in Italy and one in Ireland. It is designed to help utilities identify areas where they can save energy, monitor improvements in energy use resulting from process changes, and identify and share Best Practice with others.
WRc is actively seeking additional utilities to participate in the program.
It is important to note that the program focuses upon electricity consumption reduction, not on the comparison of electricity costs as these can be based on different prices across different geographical areas. However, one of the most relevant objectives of the program is the reduction of energy costs.
Following initial phases to investigate advanced energy benchmarking techniques, to develop a web-based software, and to define a Best Practice Methodology, the program is now fully operating and has been rolled out to permit participants to model any water or wastewater treatment works of their choice.
The program's main objective is to provide an answer to the following questions:
• Energy: how much are we using, where are we using it and how do we compare with each other?
• What is the benchmark for energy efficient treatment?
• What can be reasonably achieved in terms of further efficiencies on a site-specific basis?
Both in water supply and wastewater treatment, electricity consumption is the greatest element of operational costs. The ever-rising price of electricity and concerns over global warming reinforce the need to understand whether electricity is used efficiently, to be able to locate possible inefficiencies and plan for effective interventions where energy use can be reasonably reduced without compromising performance.