Working in such an ancient site, there was every possibility the team from McKenzie Construction might happen upon artefacts of a bygone era. Operating under the watchful eye of archaeologists, the team went to great lengths to ensure the job was done sensitively and nothing was disturbed, tapping into a deep well of experience within Scottish Water Horizons.
Evidence of human settlements going back some 10,000 years including cultivation terraces, rig and furrows believed to have been made by medieval farmers have previously been unearthed in the park and more recently there was evidence found of quarries used in the 18th century.
Stewart Imrie, project manager at Scottish Water Horizons, has over 40 years of experience working on projects throughout Scotland. He said: "This sewer work will help the Capital's tourism industry to flourish by providing much needed capacity in its waste water infrastructure."
"I am delighted to see this project completed on time, on budget and without issue or complaint. Working in such a sensitive area is always a challenge and by working closely with Historic Environment Scotland, our clients and the community, we have been able to deliver a simple solution to a long standing problem."
Alan Keir, from Historic Environment Scotland, praised the collaborative approach taken by the project team. "They were a great team who worked very closely with us to ensure it was a project with no hassles. My job would be a lot easier if every client and contractor was as organized as Scottish Water Horizons and Mackenzie Construction."