The fully functional floating island complete with solar powered pumps and a windmill.
The surface of the floating island is porous enough to allow plant roots to penetrate through the matrix into the water column, facilitating nutrient uptake through the roots and bacteria which grow on the roots. As an added benefit, the vegetation helps to cool the surface of the water column and block sunlight which helps control algae. The vegetation also gives off oxygen during daylight and CO2 at night. Uptake of nutrients by the roots/bacteria removes nitrogen from the water. Once the plants uptake nitrogen, it is in a completely fixed form and no longer available as a pollutant.
In November 2006 the Wiconisco Township installed three BioHavens floating island wetlands units, each 250 square feet, from Floating Island International. The islands were installed in Lagoon #2 downstream of the facultative zone aerator to improve nutrient uptake. BioHaven floating islands are buoyant mats, planted like a garden and launched onto a waterway. They are made from a matrix of fibers made from 100% recycled plastic. Layers of matrix are bonded together with foam, which also provides buoyancy.
The floating island system included a solar powered pump capable of lifting water from under the islands and discharging on top of islands to ensure all the wetlands plants thrived in a moist environment, solar panels to power the fractional horsepower pumps, and wind powered aerators with aeration stones capable of providing aeration based on wind driven energy.
The islands were seeded with various plant species such as Cosmos Sedge, Lurid's Sedge, Blue Flag Iris, Soft Stem Bulrush, Woolgrass, Soft Rush, Canada Rush, Buttonbush and Winter Berry.