Intermediate piping with stainless steel closure couplings allowed concrete structures, such as clarifiers, to be constructed independently of each other.
Field Versatility
An expansion to an existing WWTP can be difficult to completely design ahead of time. Exact connections to existing structures sometimes are not known until the project is underway and the ground area around the structures is removed.
“A lot of field cutting of pipe was done to hit structures,” said Chad Graham, project manager, Davis-Houk Mechanical. “Hobas provided 95 fittings for this WWTP expansion. Custom fittings such as special angle elbows, reducers and wyes were designed. Fairly standard 45- and 90-degree elbows were also modified with longer than normal lay lengths to minimize field cuts. Overall, the fitting schedule was very complicated; but installation was simplified by the custom pieces and field versatility.”
“Due to the pipe’s fixed outside diameter and a fixed inside diameter seal on the FWC couplings, field adjustments to the standard 20-foot pipe lengths are easily accomplished to connect to concrete structures or a fitting,” said Rene Garcia, engineering supervisor, Hobas Pipe USA.
This project used stainless steel closures, which minimized the amount of ground removal.
“The stainless steel closure couplings were required between two fixed ends. In most cases, we had a large concrete diversion structure and multiple concrete clarifiers with interconnecting piping between the structures. The closure couplings allowed each of the concrete structures to be constructed independently of each other, allowing Plocher Construction to erect multiple structures at once without dividing the site up with our excavation work,” Graham said. “Each structure had multiple cast-in-place Hobas sleeves or fittings. Once the structures were complete and the concrete equipment removed from the direct area, the intermediate piping was completed, connecting to the Hobas sleeves at each structure or cast-in-place fitting.”
As required, the force main was tested at 25 psi and gravity piping was tested at 20 psi for one minute without leakage or pressure drop.