• Teijin-PUB joint development shows potential enhancements to used water treatment and purification
TOKYO, JAPAN, June 29, 2010 -- Teijin Limited announced today that a 10-month pilot test conducted with PUB, Singapore's national water agency has proven that a Teijin-designed system based on HiPOx™, an advanced oxidation process utilizing ozone and hydrogen peroxide, enhances the performance of reverse osmosis membrane and further improves the NEWater quality in terms of several water parameters.
Two systems were utilized in the test: a controlled system using the conventional NEWater process combining ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis, and a HiPOx system added between the ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis membranes. Both systems were operated under the same conditions.
The test proved that in the HiPOx-supported system, the reverse osmosis membrane had 66% less blockage than in the controlled system. Moreover, following the reverse osmosis stage, not only was the quality of the product water further improved, the low concentration of pharmaceuticals and personal care products, endocrine-disrupting compounds and other pollutants in residual concentrate are further reduced.
Based on these highly encouraging results, Teijin and the PUB are now considering a field trial using a demonstration -scale equipment.
The HiPOx process combines ozone and hydrogen peroxide chemistry to produce the hydroxyl radical, the most powerful oxidant available for water treatment. Utilizing a multistep injection process, the HiPOx system creates an efficient and carefully controlled oxidative chain reaction to remove harmful substances and pollutants from wastewater. The HiPOx is a registered trademark of APTwater Inc. of the United States.
NEWater is Singapore's own brand of ultra-clean, high-grade reclaimed water. Treated used water is further purified through advanced membrane technologies comprising ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, as well as ultraviolet disinfection. .
Going forward, Teijin will continue providing PUB with the HiPOx and other advanced technologies, including multistage biological processing, to further enhance used water treatment in Singapore. The company also intends to expand its water-treatment businesses worldwide based on its achievements in Singapore.
About the Teijin Group
Based in Tokyo and Osaka, Japan, Teijin is a global technology-driven group operating in six main fields: high-performance fibers (aramid fibers and carbon fibers); polyester fibers; films and plastics; pharmaceuticals and home health care; trading and retail; and IT and new products. Teijin Limited, the holding company for the Teijin Group, is listed on the Tokyo and Osaka stock exchanges. The group had consolidated sales of USD 8.5 billion (JPY 765.8 billion, USD 1=JPY 90) in fiscal 2009 and employs 18,778 people worldwide, with 156 companies around the world. Please visit www.teijin.co.jp/english