KANSAS CITY, KS, April 5, 2010 -- EPA has awarded $134,000 to Hartville, Mo., for upgrades to its existing wastewater system.
EPA Region 7 Administrator Karl Brooks said, "EPA is pleased to award these water infrastructure funds which will help prolong the life of the existing system. Water infrastructure is a basic necessity to protect community health and prosperity."
This grant will help fund the replacement of the existing pump station and sewer line that delivers Hartville's wastewater to the existing lagoon. Currently, the facilities do not have sufficient capacity, and backups and wastewater overflows occur at the pump station and from manholes along the sewer.
EPA oversees the protection of water quality and public health. The Agency is working with community leaders and the public to meet the growing needs and demands of our limited water resources. EPA remains committed to developing innovative and sustainable solutions for managing and financing infrastructure with public and private partners.