Exhibitor promotion: Westech Engineering

March 1, 2012
WesTech designs, engineers and manufactures water and wastewater treatment process equipment for municipal and industrial applications worldwide.

High Rate Filtration Process with FlexFilter

WesTech designs, engineers and manufactures water and wastewater treatment process equipment for municipal and industrial applications worldwide. With broad experience in providing process equipment for treatment of surface waters, groundwater, process water, wastewater, and many liquid-solids separation technologies, WesTech is able to provide multiple process solutions for any water treatment challenge.

Featured among WesTech's many solutions for water and wastewater treatment will be the new WWETCO FlexFilter™. The FlexFilter provides an efficient solution for CSO, primary treatment, tertiary treatment and industrial water pre-treatment. It uses a synthetic compressible media to capture solids in a high rate filtration process. Rising influent applies hydrostatic force to the outside of tapered flexible bladders causing the media within the bladders to compress loosely at the top of the filter, with a tighter porosity gradient through the depth of the filter. This tapered compression provides for a filtration bed that is more open at the top of the filter, graduating to more densely packed synthetic media in the deeper portions of the filtration bed.

As the liquid flows over the top of the bladders and into the media bed, larger particles are trapped in the upper portions of the filter. As the liquid works its way down through the media, the smaller particles are captured. The WWETCO FlexFilter is a simple gravity system with a robust design requiring no moving parts. In addition to its ability to handle higher solids loading, the FlexFilter has a unique backwash system involving an air scour coupled with a high energy wash cycle and specialised backwash troughs to minimise the volume of backwash water needed.

The combination of tapered media compression, porosity gradient within the media bed, and a low flow backwash system make the WWETCO FlexFilter™ one of the most versatile and efficient filters on the market.

WesTech will also feature a full range of liquid/solids separation equipment, including:

• The WesTech Solids CONTACT CLARIFIER™ - both an enhanced flocculation device as well as a high rate chemical precipitator. Mixing, internal solids recirculation, gentle flocculation and gravity sedimentation are all combined into a single unit.

WesTech is an employee-owned company, ISO 9001:2008 certified and is celebrating its 40th consecutive year of business. WesTech will be exhibiting in cooperation with Landustrie Sneek BV, one of our valued international partners, at IFAT Entsorga at Booth 127 in Hall A2.

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