WaterWorld Showcase

Oct. 1, 2000
The new NORIT PortaPAC Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) batching system is designed to help control purification operations more effectively. This wet injection system hydraulically mixes and conveys an adjustable amount of PAC from bulk bags into a liquid stream. The portable unit consists of two eight-foot-tall sections for easy shipping and quick set-up and relocation. A volumetric feeder delivers between 10 and 100 pounds per hour of PAC. The interactive batching system mixes and delivers a r

PAC batching system

The new NORIT PortaPAC Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) batching system is designed to help control purification operations more effectively. This wet injection system hydraulically mixes and conveys an adjustable amount of PAC from bulk bags into a liquid stream. The portable unit consists of two eight-foot-tall sections for easy shipping and quick set-up and relocation. A volumetric feeder delivers between 10 and 100 pounds per hour of PAC. The interactive batching system mixes and delivers a recipe of PAC and process liquid. These are added by weight and mixed in an agitated stainless steel tank. After a mixing cycle, the batch is pumped out and the vessel rinsed before the next cycle.
Norit Americas Inc.
Atlanta, GA
Tel: 800-641-9245
Fax: 404-256-6199

Paperless data recorder

The DataGraph VRC Series Paperless Recorder manages critical process data with no maintenance and eliminates costly paper and pens. It features a splash-proof front panel and permits a sampling rate twice as fast as previous models. The recorder has a TFT color display. A measurement rate of 125 milliseconds is accompanied by six or 12 direct universal inputs that are menu selectable for DC voltage, DC current, thermocouples and RTD's. A powerful math package includes +, -, x, /, square root, logarithms, totalization, powers, averages, timers and many more. Direct input channels not being used can be set up as calculated channels. Three channels have been set aside as dedicated math channels for a total of 15 channels altogether.
TTI, Inc.
Williston, VT
Tel: 800-235-8367
Fax: 802-863-1193

Chlorine residual analyzer

Ecometrics has developed a new "Reagentless" Chlorine Residual Analyzer/Monitor. The new Series 8100 Analyzer is designed to measure free chlorine residual in water continuously without the need for reagents. The unit incorporates microprocessor based control technology and has integral pH compensation. It also features a field selectable range between 0 and 20 ppm, and high/low alarms are standard. The gold and copper electrodes are self-cleaning and a thermistor compensates for sample temperature variation.
Ecometrics, Inc.
Silverdale, PA
Tel: 215-453-9800
Fax: 215-453-1000

Plastic two-way water valve

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A new compact, lightweight, general-purpose two-way valve provides a solution to ON/OFF flow control. Burkert's new Type 6228 valve can be combined with the company's flow controllers or flow switches (Types 8035 or 8032.) It is available in 3/8 and 1/2 NPT, with Cv values for water flow at 2.1 and 3.76, respectively. It operates at pressures from 7 to 140 psi at temperatures from 14 to 121 degrees F. The valve is rated with a 15 cpm, 100% duty cycle. The servo assisted valve action shuts tight even when used with pressurized air.
Burkert Contromatic Corp.
Irvine, CA
Tel: 949-223-3100
Fax: 949-223-3198

Vertical pumps

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Moyno has taken its advanced progressing cavity Ultratrademark technology and incorporated it into a new, vertical pump design. The new pump can be flange mounted to closed tanks or affixed to mounting beams above open tanks. With its inlet submerged, the pump pulls fluid from the bottom of a vessel and discharges it out at the surface for further processing downstream. Features include flow range of 20 to 350 gpm and pressure capabilities to 150 psi.
Moyno, Inc.
Springfield, OH
Tel: 877-486-6966
Fax: 937-327-3177

Remote data acquisition system

DataQuicktrademark from Disco Associates provides two-way communications with the OCMII and the OCMIII open channel flowmeters from Milltronics. Features include a graphical user interface, communications with multiple units, data logging with multiple chart overlays and an integral operations manual. Capable of showing the actual display of the field unit, DataQuick allows the operator key pad to perform identically to the actual keypad on the unit. The software provides remote programming, remote diagnostics and data acquisition via communications systems including dial-up telephone, dedicated land lines, UHF, VHF, microwave and spread spectrum radio. It is available for Windowstrademark 95, 98 and NT.
Disco Associates
Salt Lake City, UT
Tel: 800-888-7522
Fax: 801-268-1311

Screenings washer

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JWC Environmental is offering a limited time 60-day free trial on its new Screenings Washer Monster. The system is a self-contained, hopper-fed screenings washing, compacting and dewatering system. It comes equipped with its own Muffin MonsterRegistered. The system grinds screenings that have been captured by a bar screen or other screenings device before compacting and dewatering the inorganic material for disposal. The removed solids are up to 50% drier, 75% compacted and virtually void of fecal matter. The end result is lighter and cleaner than typical screened solids. Captured solids are processed through a grinder and passed to an auger, which washes and separates the soft organics from the plastics, paper and other undesirables.
JWC Environmental
Costa Mesa, CA
Tel: 800-331-2277
Fax: 949-833-8858

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