An emerging technology for wastewater reuse

Dec. 26, 2023
An article in Wastewater Digest explores emerging technologies for wastewater recycling, including a U.K. startup’s solution based on batch reverse osmosis.

With growing pressure in the U.S. to develop resilient, drought-resistant water supplies — particularly for the West — wastewater recycling for potable use is becoming more important than ever.

In a recent article from Wastewater Digest Tim Naughton explores emerging technologies for wastewater recycling, for purposes ranging from potable reuse to food processing, mineral extraction and agriculture.

Naughton is the co-founder and chief technical officer of a United Kingdom startup, Salinity Solutions. The organization has developed a solution to reduce the energy consumption of energy in wastewater treatment, utilizing batch-process reverse osmosis. Naughton co-developed Salinity’s batch-process reverse osmosis technology while studying for his mechanical engineering degree.

Energy consumption for wastewater treatment can be significant, especially where potable reuse is concerned.

"In California, for example, the energy cost of water is particularly expensive," says Naughton in the article. "In an article in The American Journal of Public Health, the numbers are pretty clear: Pumping, treating, transporting and heating California’s water currently represents nearly 20% of the state’s energy use."

Read the full article “The Race to Recycle and Reuse Wastewater” on Wastewater Digest, an Endeavor Business Media Water Group partner brand.

About the Author

Jeremy Wolfe

Jeremy Wolfe is a former Editor for WaterWorld magazine.