WASHINGTON, DC, Dec. 11, 2014 -- The Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) recently announced that the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works in California has become the first government agency in the nation to credential 100 of its personnel as Envision™ Sustainability Professionals (ENV SPs).
Following the successful completion of ISI's Envision training and exam, the new ENV SPs, mostly civil engineers, are now able to implement sustainability ideas and practices and document accomplishments in projects in conformance with the Envision rating system.
Public Works Director Gail Farber said the accreditation is a significant milestone in L.A. County's continued commitment to sustainability. "We continue to be a national leader in rethinking civil infrastructure and promoting sustainable projects, programs and services," she said. "Investing in sustainability is mission critical to preserve the long-term health and well-being of the environment and the communities we serve."
The Department's commitment was recently recognized when its Sun Valley Watershed Multi-Benefit Project achieved an Envision Platinum Award from ISI -- the highest level attainable in the Envision system (see "L.A. County watershed project receives notable ISI award for sustainable efforts").
The Envision sustainable infrastructure rating system provides a holistic framework for evaluating and rating the community or social, environmental and economic benefits of all types of infrastructure projects and measures sustainability through five categories: Quality of Life, Leadership, Natural World, Resource Allocation, and Climate and Risk.
See also:
"Envisioning the Future: Rating System Helps Infrastructure Projects Meet Long-Term Sustainability Goals"
"ISI charter member credentials 100 sustainability professionals"
About ISI Envision
Envision is the product of a joint collaboration between ISI, which was founded by three national engineering associations: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC), and American Public Works Association (APWA), and the Zofnass Program for Sustainable Infrastructure at Harvard University Graduate School of Design. For more information, visit www.sustainableinfrastructure.org.