FALLS CHURCH, VA, April 12, 2012 -- The City of Falls Church, VA, has issued an Invitation to Bid to all entities interested in the purchase of the city’s publicly-owned water system and the grant of a 40-year easement for water system facilities on public property. The Bidding Documents detail the city’s water utility property and assets for sale and the terms and conditions for the sale. All bids must specify a single lump sum offer for the assets detailed in the Bidding Documents. No bids of less than $44 million will be accepted for consideration.
An optional pre-bid meeting will be held on April 23 from 10 a.m. to noon at City Council Chambers, City Hall (300 Park Ave., Falls Church, VA 22046). Potential bidders may ask questions, examine records, and make arrangements for tours and inspections of facilities. Requests for tours and facility inspections may also be made in advance with City Manager Wyatt Shields.
Included in the sale agreement is a 40 year franchise for water system facilities on public property, a guarantee of employment for current utility employees for one year at comparable pay and benefits, and a rate freeze for one year. Along with the sale of water utility assets, the city will offer the option to lease a secure portion of the city operations yard and warehouse to the successful bidder for its use.
All written bids must be received by the City Manager’s Office no later than 9 a.m. EDT on May 25, 2012 (300 Park Ave., Ste. 303 East, Falls Church, VA 22046). Bids will be received and considered according to the requirements of the Code of Virginia and under the procedures set forth in the Bidding Documents. All properly submitted bids will be read at a public meeting on May 25 at 10 a.m. EDT in Council Chambers of City Hall (300 Park Ave., Falls Church, VA 22046). The city will then invite bidders to submit higher bids; bidding closes when there are no more bids.
Prior to the closing on the sale, the city will hold a public referendum at the next general election, November 6. The final closing on the sale may take place only if the voters of the city approve the referendum.
Copies of the Bidding Documents are available for examination or for copying, upon request (at a cost to the requester of 20 cents per page), Monday through Friday except legal holidays, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. EST. A copy of the Bidding Documents and access form for an electronic data room will be provided for the non-refundable fee of $150.00 (checks made payable to "City of Falls Church") at the following address:
Wyatt Shields, City Manager
Falls Church City Hall, 303 East
300 Park Avenue
Falls Church, VA 22046
The electronic data room will include, but not be limited to, certain underlying contracts, agreements, licenses, records, maps, property documents and other information related to the water system Assets, obligations, rights, and privileges to be conveyed, assumed and/or excluded as part of the sale. Requests for mailed copies shall be sent to the above address, Attention: Wyatt Shields, City Manager (703-248-5004). The requester may choose its preferred method of delivery of the copies (provided such method is mutually practicable for the City), and shall pre-pay the cost of postage or delivery fees to the City.
More information about the Falls Church Water Utility System, including the full Invitation to Bid, is available on the City’s website, www.fallschurchva.gov/WaterFuture.
Related Links
• Invitation to Bid: www.bit.ly/CityOfFallsChurch_InvitationToBid
• Bid Bond: www.bit.ly/CityOfFallsChurch_BidBond