RIVERSIDE, CA, Dec. 9, 2010 -- Western Municipal Water District created an opportunity for regional water and wastewater agency Operations leaders to come together to learn and share information. This series of workshops called "Operations Peak Performance Workshop 2015" encompassed three half-day sessions at Western's John Shipley Operations Center.
"Let's challenge organizational thoughts and think about a five-year picture of solutions and implementation strategies," said Western's GM John Rossi welcoming the attendees the first day.
Jeff Sims, Western's Assistant General Manager and Chief Operating Officer, collaborated with consultant, The Mathis Group, and Rossi, to create engaging segments to be covered over the three half-day sessions. All 25 spots were filled allowing agency Operational leaders to attend and work together to hear vital information on best practices while also being afforded the opportunity to share ideas in breakout sessions.
"We wanted to bring together water industry leaders to discuss what future best of class Operations strategies will look like by 2015," explained Sims.
The first session at the John Shipley Operations Center was held Sept. 23; the second session was Nov. 16; and the final session was Dec. 7. Goals for the workshops include:
- Developing a vision of Operations Best Practices.
- Securing and retaining high performance Operations personnel.
- Strategies to achieve future Operations vision.
- Partnering and sharing services and resources.
During the first session, Rossi lead the opening discussion by asking participants to share the top three issues facing their agencies. "Water supply. Water supply. Water supply," was Rossi's answer, leading into more in-depth dialogue about what issues confront the vast majority of Southern California water agencies now and into the future.
Area experts were also called upon to help facilitate the workshops including Kevin Milligan, City of Riverside; Khos Ghaderi, Eastern Municipal Water District and Marty Zvirbulis, Cucamonga Valley Water District. These were in addition to Sims and Bill Mathis of The Mathis Group. Workshop deliverables will be a compilation of strategies, ideas and comments to be used by participants in development of Operational Best Practices that can be implemented at their agency.
Western Municipal Water District provides water supply, wastewater disposal and water resource management to the public in a safe, reliable, environmentally sensitive and financially responsible manner. Web: wmwd.com