The Mi.Net system uses specialized transceivers on metering devices to gather and pass wireless data to area data-hub collectors.
AMI Advantages and Benefits
A successful 2012 pilot project replacing troublesome older water meters with new AMI water meters in a test area convinced CCU to accelerate dramatically its timetable for a system-wide AMI meter changeover. Instead of the original 10-year transition plan, CCU decided to replace all 58,000 water meters within Charlotte County with the new Mi.Net network in five years.
“Charlotte County quickly realized the many benefits of moving to a network-based AMI system,” said Cory Sides, national account manager for Mueller Systems. “AMI systems enable utilities to receive continuous real-time usage data that allows early detection of water leaks, unusual usage patterns, and evidence of meter tampering. Cutting labor and vehicle costs, decreasing water losses, and reducing billing errors helps lower water rates for both utilities and ratepayers, and enhances overall customer service and satisfaction.”
The Mi.Net system’s command-and-control functionality and wireless connectivity enables flexible scalability for accommodating system growth and adding future capabilities. The system’s real-time connectivity and two-way communications will enable enhanced services and features delivered through an online “customer portal” that will allow Charlotte County’s users to monitor and compare water usage and billing history in the future.
AMI Network Operations Center
Those Halloween-to-Easter snowbirds and other seasonal residents and visitors to sunny Charlotte County also receive the special AMI remote-connect/disconnect water meters, easing the hassle of frequent on-site visits required with the older water meters. The AMI system has also provisioned a special “district management” feature that enables the utility to identify mysterious water losses within a certain geographical area by installing AMI water meters at different points within the water distribution system.
“Another big advantage of AMI technology is seamless integration with large-scale advanced leak-detection and pipe assessment platforms,” said Sides. “The Mi.Net system enables utilities to add advanced capabilities as their needs evolve, and deploy new technologies that generate additional revenue streams as they become available. It’s a true smart cities approach that helps utilities and municipalities to reduce costs, boost efficiencies, integrate services, and create a flexible data-collection infrastructure to meet the demands of the future.”