The town of Dexter, N.M., installed a Kamstrup AMR meter reading solution and increased its efficiency.
With a Kamstrup AMR meter reading solution, the town increased its efficiency. The meter locations are plotted on Google Maps and the meters are read via drive-by. Since the new meters measure significantly lower flows than mechanical water meters, the utility is able to bill for every drop of water.
Once the new meters were installed, 40 to 50 percent of the meters had leak alarms. Now, utility personnel can notify customers of leaks and incidents, which helps the community save water and helps customers save money.
Smart metering sheds light on the distribution network and enables utilities to fight water loss and beat the leak — for the environment, the consumers and the bottom line. WW
Kamstrup serves clients around the world with innovative metering solutions for electricity, heat, cooling and water. To learn more, visit
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