RALEIGH, NC, Apr. 27, 2011 -- To boost operational efficiency and support water conservation programs in the metro Albuquerque area, the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority will deploy the Sensus FlexNet™ communications network across its service territory and retrofit all commercial meters with smart endpoints.
The Water Authority will use the FlexNet communications network, which is based on open standards, to provide fixed-base remote meter reading for approximately 850 commercial customers located throughout its service area. Sensus offers a reliable, flexible communications infrastructure that can be quickly deployed and easily expanded in the future. Utility officials anticipate that installation will be complete by September 2011, at which time customers with radio-equipped meters will have access to their water consumption data via an online portal.
"The business case for investing in an AMI system was clear, as this technology will increase meter reading accuracy, improve customer service, reduce data collection costs and quickly gather critical information that provides insight to utility decision-makers," said Frank Roth, policy manager for the Water Authority. "The two-way communication abilities of the FlexNet network will help us reduce nonrevenue water losses and associated delivery costs, support water conservation programs and manage demand," said Roth.
The commercial meters included in the first phase of the program represent customers that make up 13 percent of water demand and provide 20 percent of utility revenue. In January 2012, the Water Authority will begin planning the second phase of the program to expand AMI service to approximately 200,000 residential meters.
Albuquerque is a recognized leader in water conservation and in 2008 completed construction on the San Juan-Chama Drinking Water Project, which for the first time has made surface water transported from the Colorado River basin the primary source of water for the metro Albuquerque service area. The AMI program will help support the conservation goals of the project, which calls for an eventual reduction in Albuquerque's per capita water usage to 155 gallons per day. Water Authority officials will analyze data gathered by the FlexNet system to better understand demand and usage and detect leaks in the distribution system.
"The FlexNet system has proven its value as a tool for water conservation by providing insight into water usage patterns and through leak detection," said Mike Tracy, vice president of North American Water for Sensus. "Albuquerque is defining the smart grid for water through its investment in and commitment to intelligent water management and conservation."
About Sensus
Sensus leads in innovative and evolving technology solutions that enable intelligent use and conservation of critical energy and water resources. Sensus has led the discovery, development and implementation of technologies for the energy and water industries for more than a century. Water, gas and electric utility customers around the world benefit from the company's open, flexible products and solutions to help them optimize their resources -- today and tomorrow. Headquartered in Raleigh, N.C., USA, Sensus serves customers from locations throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia. For more information, visit www.sensus.com.