Colombia utility optimizes water treatment plants

Sept. 14, 2022
With the help of Idrica and Naunet, water utility Aqsur has been able to gain operational savings of up to 42% and increase its water supply network.

Colombia-based water utility Aqsur is currently optimizing its water treatment plants in its Atlántico Sur Department.

The ongoing project, which began over four years ago, is being rolled out in a partnership between the multinational water technology company Idrica and Naunet. It has already shown significant improvements in operational efficiency and quality of service.

The project started with a preliminary assessment of the operating conditions of each plant through visits and the verification of operating parameters. Aqsur has five conventional plants located in the municipalities of Luruaco, Repelón, Campo de la Cruz, Santa Lucía, and Manatí, and two compact plants in the towns of Compuertas and Rotinet.

These differ from each other in terms of their process units (flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection), as well as in their supply sources, "which made it necessary to monitor operations individually" says Idrica Colombia's production manager, Alfredo Castro.

The inlet flow levels, the concentration, dosage, and volume of chemical products, and the quality attributes related to pH, color, turbidity, and the presence of chlorine in the water were all assessed. Similarly, the operating conditions of each plant were checked according to the water catchment conditions, pumping hours, and overall performance.

According to Castro, the three main measures taken to optimize these water treatment plants were the review of the infrastructure’s technological and technical operations, the optimization of chemical dosage parameters, and ongoing staff training.

"For plants to function properly, operators must be prepared. This requires constant training, including practical workshops that help the staff in charge make good decisions, applying the concepts learned, and even proposing ideas for improvement," Castro points out.

Operational Savings

In economic and financial terms, the optimizations reduced plant operating costs by 32 percent per month in the municipality of Repelón and by 20 percent in Luruaco. Similarly, by implementing the proposed measures, operating savings of up to 42 percent per month have been estimated in Manatí.

The project has also significantly boosted the numbers of users joining the mains water supply network, from 16,653 in 2018 to 24,404 in July 2022, i.e., an increase of 46.5 percent. Access to the mains sewer system has also gone up from 4,349 users to 11,438, representing a growth rate of 264 percent.

In 2018, access to running water and basic sanitation in these seven municipalities was 69 percent for mains water and 19 percent for the sewer system. Currently, these indicators stand at 99 percent and 47 percent, respectively, representing a 30 percent improvement in access to drinking water and a 29 percent rise in sewer connections.

Originally, these municipalities had access to running water from four to a maximum of 12 hours a day, though the average was less than six hours a day. However, as a result of the improvements, Campo de la Cruz, Santa Lucía, and Luruaco now have running water 24 hours a day.

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