What is AMI?
Advanced metering infrastructure, or AMI, is a two-way communication system to collect detailed metering information throughout a utility service industry. Whereas Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) systems rely on remote reading only, AMI systems allow for communication to and from utilities.
AMI is typically automated and allows real time, on-demand interrogations with metering endpoints.
AMI requires strong bandwidth to supply more than metering and power quality information. AMI systems need appropriate bandwidth and broadcast capabilities to allow for different functions.
What kind of data does AMI provide?
AMI can provide detailed information including:
- Load profile
- Last interval demand
- kWh usage
- Voltage
- Voltage profile
- Phase information
- Outage counts
- Tamper notification
- Power factor
- Time-of-use
High-end AMI systems can provide this information on-demand.
What is cellular AMI?
Cellular-based AMI foregoes typical communication infrastructure in favor of a cellular network. This provides flexibility for utility managers to customize systems in a way that makes sense to them.
According to Badger Meter, with a cellular-based system, utilities can focus on the commercial and industrial accounts that generate the majority of revenue for them and then upgrade residential accounts on a staggered basis over time.
Cellular systems have become more resilient, reliable and universal than traditional fixed-network systems.
What are the benefits of cellular AMI?
Benefits of cellular AMI include:
- Flexibility
- Reliability
- Cost-effectiveness
- Scalability
- Improved meter reading
- Enhanced management
- Better customer service
Is AMI a smart meter?
Smart meters have built-in communication capabilities, which allow them to transmit data to and from utilities.
Cellular AMI allows utilities to gather real time energy usage, including electricity, gas and water.
According to IBM, water utilities rely on AMI meters to provide comprehensive flow data. If the data shows excessive water use patterns, it might indicate a leak. This allows the company to notify the customer to make the necessary repairs.
AMI’s two-way communication model allows utilities to gather more comprehensive data, which can help utilities remotely manage meter functionality.
What is an AMI network?
AMI includes communication networks that enable two-way communication between utilities and customers.
Implementing communication networks that have the ability to handle the bandwidth, latency requirements and capacity to serve other needs can benefit utilities when using AMI solutions.
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, more robust communications networks constitute the backbone of not only a smart grid, but also smart cities. By adopting long-term, comprehensive smart grid strategies to handle future smart grid applications, utilities can better manage water metering services.
What are AMI utilities?
AMI utilities are utilities that utilize AMI meters. AMI meters provide utilities with remote collection of water use data – in real time. The use of AMI allows for more frequent billing. It also allows utilities to quickly identify excessive water use that could be the result of leaks.
According to the American Water Works Association (AWWA), one key challenge with implementing AMI meters is getting customers to use new AMI portals. An AWWA report shows that behavioral interventions can be effective in promoting customer engagement and water conservation through AMI portals.
An AWWA survey, in collaboration with The Behavioralist, showed that utilities are confident that AMI provides benefits to both utilities and their customers. The survey showed that two-thirds of surveyed utilities are rolling out AMI in full. At the time of the survey, slightly over 40% of utilities provide their customers with portal access. The survey also showed that utilities are already using AMI data to a large extent to inform their operations.