Aqua-Aerobic Systems Inc.

Loves Park, IL


About Aqua-Aerobic Systems Inc.

Our expertise in aeration and mixing, biological processes, cloth media filtration, membranes, and control and monitoring systems allows us to provide you with adaptive water management solutions at the lowest life cycle cost.

Product Summary

Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc. has been a leader in the design and manufacture of wastewater treatment equipment and systems for municipal and industrial markets worldwide, since 1969.


6306 N Alpine Rd.
P.O. Box 2026
Loves Park, IL

More Info on Aqua-Aerobic Systems Inc.

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Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc. has been a leader in the design and manufacture of wastewater treatment equipment and systems for municipal and industrial markets worldwide, since 1969. Our expertise in aeration and mixing, biological processes, cloth media filtration, membranes, and control and monitoring systems allows us to provide you with adaptive water management solutions at the lowest life cycle cost. Our proven technologies meet the most stringent wastewater effluent requirements including enhanced biological nutrient removal, phosphorus removal, water reuse and TTHM removal in potable water applications, and are designed to easily accommodate changing effluent demands. Our engineering team will assist you with all aspects of your project whether a new plant, or an upgrade/retrofit to an existing plant. Our certified manufacturing team will construct your products with quality materials and workmanship. Lastly, our dedicated Aftermarket team will provide you with exceptional service for the life of your Aqua-Aerobic product or system.

Products and Press Releases

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Drinking Water Treatment

Ceramic membrane

March 6, 2023
The Aqua MultiBore C-Series ceramic membrane from Aqua-Aerobic is suitable for a wide range of applications. Each membrane is designed to effectively remove suspended solids, ...

Articles & News

Photos courtesy Aqua-Aerobic Systems.
A conceptual view of the Portland, Ind., Wastewater Treatment Plant’s two AquaDisk filter installations.
Drinking Water Treatment

Filtration Renovation

Dec. 16, 2021
The Portland, Ind., WWTP replaced their six decades-old granular-media filter units with new cloth media filters, boosting capacity by 540 percent.
AquaNereda® Reactors at the Riviera Utilities Wastewater Treatment Plant at Wolf Creek in Foley, Ala.
Wastewater Treatment

Meet Growing Demand and Future-Proof Facilities

Aug. 16, 2021
Riviera Utilities WWTP at Wolf Creek upgrades to state-of-the-art AquaNereda® technology
AquaDiamond® cloth media filters (CMFs) from Aqua-Aerobic Systems Inc.
Drinking Water Treatment

Utilizing Microfiber Media to Achieve 0.1 mg/L Total Phosphorus Limit

May 12, 2021
At the Brockton, Mass. Advanced Water Reclamation Facility. microfiber media filters outperformed the existing pile cloth media with respect to final total suspended solids, turbidity...
The Riviera Utilities WWTP at Wolf Creek features Aqua-Aerobic’s AquaNereda® Aerobic Granular Sludge Technology.
Wastewater Treatment

WWTP at Wolf Creek Upgrades to Aerobic Granular Sludge Technology

Dec. 15, 2020
Located near the Gulf shores of southern Alabama, the City of Foley is a coastal community with Southern charm. The area is a popular destination noted for its easy access to ...
Covered AquaStorm™ cloth media filters were retrofitted into the abandoned sand media filter structures.
Drinking Water Treatment

Cloth Media Filters Solve Rushville’s CSO Woes

Sept. 14, 2020
As part of its program to eliminate untreated combined sewer overflow (CSO) discharges into the Flatrock River, the City of Rushville, Ind., installed cloth media filters instead...
The Moab Water Reclamation Facility.
Wastewater Treatment

Upgrading Moab’s Wastewater Treatment

Aug. 13, 2020
Utah’s Moab Water Reclamation Facility selected the AquaSBR® Sequencing Batch Reactor to improve upon the 60-year-old plant’s biological treatment process.
Basin Creek Water Treatment Plant, Butte, Mont.
Drinking Water Treatment

Ceramic Membrane System Solves DPB Challenge at Butte-Silver Bow

May 15, 2020
Aqua MultiBore® C-Series Ceramic Membrane System
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash
Sincerely Media Ety Bbu By Psq Unsplash
Potable Water Quality

METAWATER acquires all shares of Wigen Companies

April 8, 2020
Second acquisition to subsidize a water treatment equipment supplier for the METAWATER Group to expand its business in North America.

Videos & Resources

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Cloth Media Filtration for CSO Treatment Satisfies IDEM Mandate, Saves $1M in Construction Costs

Jan. 14, 2019
With environmental mandates looming, the City of Rushville, Ind., had to find a way to eliminate untreated CSO discharges.
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Ceramic Membrane System Solves DBP Challenge at Butte-Silver Bow

Sept. 16, 2018
Butte, Montana. A community of 33,000 people with a water source so pristine it was granted a filtration waiver from the Department of Environmental Quality -- until the mid-2000s...
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Treatment Plant Optimization Provides Cost Savings and a Healthy Ecosystem

Feb. 1, 2013
To meet the strict nutrient limits it was facing -- and ensure the survival of the local economy -- Key Largo needed an advanced wastewater treatment solution.
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Protecting the Florida Keys with Advanced Nutrient Removal Technology

Dec. 7, 2012
In the Florida Keys, one strategy to improve water quality was converting residents from septic systems to a municipal sewer connection. To do that, Big Coppitt Key Wastewater...


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All content from Aqua-Aerobic Systems Inc.

Aerial view of the Basin Creek Water Treatment Plant in Butte Silver Bow, Mont.
Drinking Water Treatment

Ceramic Membrane System Solves Disinfection By-Product Challenge at Butte-Silver Bow

Dec. 12, 2019
In 2010, a pine beetle infestation killed most of the trees surrounding the Basin Creek Reservoir in Butte, Mont., increasing the natural organic matter (NOM) level at the reservoir...
Each cloth media disk is 6.6 feet in diameter and provides an effective filtration area of 53.8 square feet, for a total filtration area of 1506.4 square feet.
Urban Stormwater

Water Connections: Cloth Media Filter Treats CSO Discharge

Sept. 13, 2019
The City of Rushville, Ind., installed AquaStorm™ cloth media filters instead of a conventional wet weather storage tank to treat combined sewer overflow discharges.
by Hilary Halliwell from Pexels
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Wastewater Treatment

Aqua-Aerobic Systems, Inc. acquires FUCHS Enprotec GmbH

May 7, 2019
The addition broadens Aqua Aerobic's portfolio of products, especially in the areas of aeration and mixing.
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Drinking Water Treatment

Rushville Treats CSO Discharge with Cloth Media Filter

Dec. 1, 2018
The city of Rushville, Ind., installed AquaPrime cloth media filters to remedy a consent order filed in 2007 for its untreated combined sewer overflow (CSO) discharges.