WASHINGTON, DC, Apr. 18, 2011 -- The Clean Water America Alliance is conducting a survey of green infrastructure stakeholders and wants your opinion. Many cities and communities moving toward adoption of green infrastructure initiatives are encountering barriers. By sharing your experiences, you can help policy makers understand local challenges and perhaps help other communities struggling with the same issues.
The Clean Water America Alliance will use the information collected in the survey to develop a report documenting the technical, legal/regulatory, financial, and community/institutional barriers to implementing green infrastructure initiatives and highlight common themes. The report will also include recommendations, where applicable, on each major finding.
Upon completion of the report, the Alliance will communicate its findings and recommendations to those who completed the survey as well as additional water utilities, conservation organizations working to implement green infrastructure, key policy-makers, and other interested parties.
Most importantly, the Clean Water America Alliance will use the report to help EPA with its national rulemaking to establish a program to reduce stormwater discharges. Information from the survey will help guide the agency with vitally important data to remove existing barriers and promote the adoption of green infrastructure.
To be a part of this important project, please visit the Clean Water America Alliance survey at: http://www.cleanwateramericaalliance.org/gisurvey_about.php
Deadline to respond is May 15, 2011.
If you have any questions, please contact Lorraine Loken at (202) 533-1819 or email [email protected].