WaterWorld?s Top of the World awards are designed to recognize the advertisements, product releases and articles that attract the most reader inquiries in the previous year. In 1999, the advertisements that drew the highest response totals were manufacturers of valves, stormwater management equipment, sludge processing equipment, flowmeters, pipe rehab processes and filtration. For product releases, top categories included pumps, manhole equipment and services, safety, odor control, process control, sludge processing and valves.
Only one item per company is given this honor in each category. Items which were featured in April 1999?s Top of the World are not considered for Top of the World the following year.
American Concrete Pipe Association should receive an honorable mention for its ability to grab the most leads on a product which was rerun from the previous year. After the association won the top leads for 1998 at 163, the article about the award in April 1999 WaterWorld generated 266 more responses.
?The staff of WaterWorld