Flygt submersible pumps lift the water through valves and flow meters into the nearby storm sewer.
Click here to enlarge imageThe pump station for the Grand Avenue project included a pre-cast, self-cleaning wet well; the duplex Flygt pumps; pre-assembled valve and flow metering vaults; and a UL-listed control panel. The station’s permanent on-site generator, fueled by natural gas, features an automatic transfer switch, ensuring an uninterruptible power supply in case of electrical outages.
The Results
Franklin Park has had one big storm since the underpass was built, and it gave the stormwater management system a good workout. The pump station stopped when the sewer system surcharged, and started back up when levels returned to normal. When the site lost power, the backup generator started and switched over operations.
“We had a high water alarm, and nothing overflowed,” said David Talbott of Clark Dietz Engineers, who serves as the village engineer. “The lift station went through every alarm parameter it was designed for, and everything operated perfectly.”
About the Author:
Megan Monson, based in southern Oregon, is a public relations consultant for Romtec Utilities.