The advent of digital engineering models used during the capital phase of projects has allowed for greater leverage of asset performance modeling, which has provided ways to reduce costs, improve collaboration, and enable asset optimization for operations. These digital engineering models typically have not had a prominent role in operations as of yet. There is a huge amount of information related to assets that can be leveraged at different phases of a project, such as asset specifications, precise geo-coordination, configuration management, cost information, detailed component information, and recommended maintenance and repair information.
The Ultimate Convergence of IT, OT, and ET
Engineering data is not the only potential for reducing TOTEX. As OT leverages the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) with operating systems and sensors to produce huge quantities of data, the need to make this data usable and secure is fast becoming mainstream in its outreach and adoption. So far, OT data has initiated a convergence with IT systems, which has yet to yield significant gains. At Bentley, we see the critical importance of leveraging the engineering data in order to yield significant gains.
Asset management systems that allow a convergence of IT, OT, and ET data will help to bridge the gap between data formats to make infrastructure assets more powerful, efficient, and reliable by exploiting the Big Data potential. Enhanced by the power of the cloud, digital engineering models are evolving toward an upgrade to the IIoT: digital engineering tools that go beyond observing and monitoring the asset’s performance to modeling its desired behavior to produce better outcomes.
Water and wastewater utilities have been a step ahead of other industries in exploiting the potential for ET and OT data to be better utilized. IIoT and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software have had a harmonic convergence of their own in enriching the oversight value of data analytics for treatment, distribution, and collection facilities. Engineering departments and the operational control rooms have more reason to interact than ever before, as the common goal of reducing cost and optimizing their networks can be realized — in real time. Hydraulic modeling generally has been used for long-term planning, while data from the SCADA systems are used heavily in daily operational decisions. Linking these two technologies has ensured barriers are removed, collaboration has improved, and data is shared for mutually beneficial reasons.
A New Breed of Digital Natives
Water and wastewater infrastructure professionals are well-placed to deliver against CAPEX, OPEX, and TOTEX by keeping continuity and enhancing collaboration through better work processes and an ultimate convergence of IT, OT, and ET. By leveraging digital engineering models, water infrastructure professionals will act as beacons of light for other industries to follow. Its success will be driven by the mutually beneficial nature of TOTEX, with engineers and architects delivering value and creating a new generation of digital natives to act as flag-bearers for infrastructure improvement and asset longevity to the delight of owner-operators. WW