Evoqua Water Technologies

Pittsburgh, PA


About Evoqua Water Technologies


210 Sixth Avenue, Suite 3300
Pittsburgh, PA

More Info on Evoqua Water Technologies

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Evoqua Water Technologies is a leading provider of water and wastewater treatment solutions, offering a broad portfolio of products, services and expertise to support industrial, municipal and recreational customers.

Evoqua provides solutions for customers with critical water needs for energy generation, food & beverage safety and production, healthcare, manufacturing and many more. We understand and value the power of water to enhance life and we work to ensure its uninterrupted quantity and quality.

Products and Press Releases

Internalift screw pumps installed at the Sutter Primary Treatment plant located in Modesto, Calif.
Asset Management

Evoqua selected as screw pump supplier for City of Modesto, CA

March 28, 2022
The city will replace two existing Internalift screw pumps that have reached the end of their useful life at the Sutter Primary Treatment Plant.
Wastewater Treatment

Texas wastewater treatment plant employs Evoqua technology

Aug. 31, 2020
Contract includes the design, manufacture and installation of a new wastewater treatment plant located near the City of Josephine.

Articles & News

Photos courtesy Evoqua.
Getting the driest sludge can lead to the least amount of expenses for operation and transportation.
Wastewater Treatment

Get the Most out of Your Dewatering Program

Dec. 16, 2021
Evoqua’s Michael Jagger discusses the benefits of rotary presses for WWTP operation in this Q&A session.
Photos courtesy Evoqua.
The Rushville Wastewater Treatment Plant in Indiana made the switch from a chlorine disinfection system to one that uses UV light.
Drinking Water Treatment

Addressing Increasingly Resistant Contaminants

Oct. 13, 2020
Treatment facilities are continuing to improve their water recycling technologies to effectively eliminate the variety of contaminants often found in wastewater.
Bellefonte Borough Authority (BBA) Wastewater Treatment Facility located in Central Pennsylvania discharges to a prized trout stream (Spring Creek). BBA needed a solution to manage growth for the next 20 years since the plant was nearing the available permit load. After a thorough evaluation of treatment options, Evoqua’s BioMag® system was selected which fit into the existing plant footprint for an affordable, practical approach, and provide a 41% organic capacity increase.
Drinking Water Treatment

Evoqua technology selected for upgrade of PA wastewater treatment plant

Jan. 20, 2020
BioMag® system was selected for its ability to provide additional treatment capacity in Bellefonte Borough Authority (BBA) Wastewater Treatment Plant and provide excellent effluent...
LaserFousWorld Test

Bringing Innovation to the Growing Desalination Market

Jan. 17, 2018
Sand filtration as a water treatment strategy has been around for thousands of years, dating as far back as 2000 BC to ancient Greek and Sanskrit writings. As Alain Silverwood...
LaserFousWorld Test

Bringing Innovation to the Growing Desalination Market

Jan. 17, 2018
Sand filtration as a water treatment strategy has been around for thousands of years, dating as far back as 2000 BC to ancient Greek and Sanskrit writings. As Alain Silverwood...
LaserFousWorld Test

A Legacy in Performance, a Future in Innovation

Sept. 19, 2017
In both the dewatering and the intake sectors, Evoqua Water Technologies comprises some of the original innovators and players in that market. With over 20,000 combined intake...
LaserFousWorld Test

Mitigating Risk of Combined Sewer Overflow

Sept. 8, 2017
More than 700 communities around the country have a combined sewer system, making them susceptible to overflow during heavy wet-weather events. Patrick Bollman, P.E., a UV product...
LaserFousWorld Test

Win Super Bowl Tickets!

Aug. 20, 2017
Win a pair of tickets to Super Bowl LII in the Evoqua Fantasy Football Challenge. Grand Prize is a pair of tickets to the Super Bowl. Open to all Evoqua customers and partners...
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Mitigating Impacts of Hydrogen Sulfide Induced Corrosion in a Wastewater Collection System

June 27, 2017
Managing hydrogen sulfide in a wastewater collection system is important not only for mitigating odor but also for preventing corrosion and ensuring the optimum performance of...

Videos & Resources

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Reusing Municipal Wastewater as Industrial Plant Supply

Nov. 30, 2016
A large chemical plant along the Gulf Coast decided to use municipal wastewater from a nearby city to supply a significant portion of the cooling water and boiler make-up water...
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Single-Ended vs. Double-Ended Filtration in Submerged Membrane Systems

March 14, 2016
Aging infrastructure and tighter regulations have led to rapid growth of the microfiltration and ultrafiltration membrane market since the 1980s. As competition grows in what ...
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Membrane Aging and Replacement

March 6, 2016
In a well-maintained system, the modules used in a membrane bioreactor (MBR) are predicted to have a usable life of between 8-10 years. Given that MBRs are used to produce water...

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All content from Evoqua Water Technologies

LaserFousWorld Test

Reusing Municipal Wastewater As Industrial Plant Supply

June 8, 2017
Evoqua's Rod McNelly discusses the benefits of using municipal wastewater to supply the water needs of industrial plants and some of the technologies making it possible.
LaserFousWorld Test

High Efficiency Filtration & UV Disinfection - Critical in Today’s Cooling Tower Design

March 29, 2017
Learn why an increasing number of industries are turning to ultraviolet (UV) disinfection and high efficiency filtration to achieve optimal cooling & savings! Read More...
LaserFousWorld Test

We Can't Do What We've Always Done.

Jan. 25, 2017
Read about the 7 reasons why municipalities need to consider putting wastewater inside a pipe. Closed vessel treatment is the most practical solution as it is cleaner, safer, ...
LaserFousWorld Test

Perfluorinated Compounds: Treatment Options and Technologies

Sept. 27, 2016
There's been a lot of discussion in recent months about the presence of perfluorinated compounds in certain water supplies across the country. Communities, such as Hoosick Falls...
LaserFousWorld Test

Chlorine Disinfection: A Hundred Years and Counting

Aug. 24, 2016
Daryl Weatherup, director of marketing for Wallace & Tiernan, an Evoqua Brand, discusses chlorination and how the technology has evolved over the years.
LaserFousWorld Test

Jump Start Your Career in the Water Industry

Aug. 3, 2016
To achieve its plan to double the Company’s reach, Evoqua is looking to add to its team and ensure it continues to have the best talent the industry. More
LaserFousWorld Test

MBR membrane stability w/ 60% less energy and 30% less footprint???

April 14, 2016
20 + years of R&D has led to a greater understanding of how membrane age effects performance. More...
LaserFousWorld Test

Outsource or Buy: What's Right for Your Business

March 9, 2016
When deciding whether to outsource, it's important for the client to consider how comfortable they are with other people coming on site and operating equipment.
LaserFousWorld Test

Before Crisis Strikes: 5 Tips for Preparing for an Unplanned Outage

Feb. 24, 2016
The first thing a potential vendor should do is send a mobile team out to your facility to get the 'lay of the land.'